If I Had to Fight Takanori Gomi on January 15th, 2007 @ 155 lbs…
Hi everyone,
Obviously, I’m not fighting him, it’s just a goal I set for myself to reach in January. I would like to match a pro fighters conditioning and change my body composition.
This year, I really fell off and I got out of shape. So on my week off at the end of August, I started going hard again. started off with a newbie program and basic cardio work. After a week of prep, I started my regime. I’m two weeks in.
Here it is:
Monday - lunch run, 45+ chin-up program, meltdown, MA conditioning or GPP ASAP
Tuesday - 100+ push-up program, meltdown, gorilla cardio
Wednesday - lunch run, GPP ASAP
Thursday - 45+ chin-up program, meltdown, MA conditioning
Friday - OFF
Saturday - morning run, 100+ push-up program, meltdown
Sunday - GPP ASAP
Here is a breakdown of the workouts:
MA Conditioning: MMA Training **Inspiration** - YouTube or - YouTube (example: jump over two punching bags to the right, sprawl, get up and punch, jump over two punching bags to the left, sprawl, get up and knee)
Working Towards 100+ Push-ups: Iron Dungeon - Pushups - How to do 100+ Pushups
Working Towards 45+ Chin-ups (Reps cut in half of Working towards 100+ push-ups)
GPP ASAP: http://www.T-Nation.com/readTopic.do?id=468125
Meltdown Training: http://www.T-Nation.com/readTopic.do?id=459809
Gorilla Cardio:
4 minute warm up
20 second sprint 10 second rest
Repeat 8 times
4 minute cool down
Total duration of 12 minutes
5 minute warm up
20 second sprint 40 second jog
Repeat 12 ? 14 times
5 minute cool down
Total duration of 22 to 24 minutes
My Stats:
24 year old Chinese Male
160 lbs.
20% BF according to fat caliper measuring 22mm above the waist
My diet:
I try to keep it simple, most of my carbs are consumed during the day and before workouts, protein at night.
fat burner, multi vitamin, omega 369
oatmeal mixed with 1 egg and blue berries
cashews or fruit for snack
steak/chicken breast pita or sandwich and fruit for lunch
fruit before workout
protien shake after workout
yogurt/cottage cheese before bed
two cheat meals a week
Progress so far:
I don’t look too different, but it’s only been two weeks, looks like I’m a little more toned, my belly has flattened and my pants seem to be a little loser but no change in weight. Huge improvement in conditioning, seems like I have a lot more gas. Sprints are a lot stronger/faster. Chin-ups have improved, almost back to were I was at a year ago, 3 sets of 10.
My question:
Is this the right appoach? I know I’m eating a lot of fruit and that’s not good for fat loss but it seems like I’m working out more then the average joe. I’m trying to get to at least 10% BF. Is my current regime too much? Again I know longer cardio sessions are not good for fat loss but how come fighters can do it yet still be so lean? Anything I should take out or replace? I don’t want to end up with depreciating returns.
Your input is much appreciated! Thanks!