I think T-Nation should use me as a test case and see what ya’ll can do with me.
I think you should use yourself as a test case and see what you can do with you.
Start off by walking a lot every day and cutting some calories… eat more meals a day but in smaller portions
HangerBaby, you just made a post asking the same of the T-Nation crowd.
Don’t give advice that you have no reason to give.
OP, I’ll tell you the same thing i told HangerBaby in her thread.
Read the beginner stickies and educate yourself.
Your diet is crap.
Read the stickies.
[quote]PozzSka wrote:
HangerBaby, you just made a post asking the same of the T-Nation crowd.
Don’t give advice that you have no reason to give.
OP, I’ll tell you the same thing i told HangerBaby in her thread.
Read the beginner stickies and educate yourself.
Your diet is crap.
Read the stickies.[/quote]
No, stop being ignorant.
I didn’t ask anything close to what he is asking.
From what it seems like, he is trying to get free stuff like the dudes in the spotlights
and from what I can tell, he’s not even trying.
[quote]From what it seems like, he is trying to get free stuff like the dudes in the spotlights
and from what I can tell, he’s not even trying.[/quote]
You can tell all of this from one post?! Wow. Bruno, listen to PozzSka. He happens to be one of the more knowledgeable members.
As far as where to start - everywhere. Your entire life now needs to revolve around clean eating and lots of exercise. Any substantial weight loss could take several years. I also wouldn’t wait around for Shugart or Thibs to pick you for the physique clinic.
no offence mate but you should work on losing weight first before you start any sort of training
good luck though
Well at least he posted in the beginners section.
But ya man, you just gotta read the beginners shit, stop eating bad and start moving.
[quote]Mredanderson wrote:
no offence mate but you should work on losing weight first before you start any sort of training
Um… say what now?
“I want to learn the alphabet.”
“Sorry, but you should learn to read before you learn the alphabet.”
Dude, that’s some weird kind of non-advice.
Bruno, we’ll need some background on you before we can give any major advice. Exercise history, health history (any heart/lung/joint issues?), what are you doing now as far as nutrition and exercise?
Assuming you’re starting from absolute zero, read this and start implementing it daily:
We can discuss training once we know more about your current condition and plan.
Congrats on wanting to make a change, but remember that all the advice we offer here can only be as good as what you actually do.
Dang you Chris and your solid advice. Dang you.
29 years old
No health issues
I have put on about 200 pounds over the last 10 years
I have tried a few diets here and there but nothing long-term
Not currently dieting or exercising, but hope to change that
And now I am going to read the link
Also, my apartment complex has a small gym here. I own a pair of 25 lb dumbbells and live not too far from a 3 mile walking/running trail.
I lost 60 pounds in about a year back in high school with just eating a little less and taking a 1-hour walk everyday (every single day). Just stay consistent and you can do it.
The more you invest your OWN time, the more people here will invest their time in giving you advice.
Show that you’ve done some reading, and come back.
We hate advising people who will just give up a week later. Happens a lot. If you have more to lose (your time invested in learning) people are more likely to take you serious.
[quote]BrunoVaughn wrote:
29 years old
No health issues
I have put on about 200 pounds over the last 10 years
I have tried a few diets here and there but nothing long-term
Not currently dieting or exercising, but hope to change that
And now I am going to read the link[/quote]
No health issues…yet.
You have to start changing the way you eat. That would be my TOP priority if I was in your situation. Focus on nutrition first. Healthy food is great…it just takes time to grow on you, but your palette will change if you give it a chance.
I got this from my sister’s weight watchers stuff. It’s their core foods. Does this pretty much line up with what ya’ll eat?
Vegetables and fruits
Soups (non-creamy)
Whole Wheat Pasta, Brown Rice, Potatoes and Grains
High Fiber and other cereals without added sugar
Lean Meats, poultry, fish and eggs
Fat-Free Milk Products
Healthy Oils
Coffee, Tea and sugar-free beverages
Uh, kinda.
Big breakfast, medium lunch, small dinner. Consume your carbs at breakfast, none after noon.
I went from 295 to 220. You can do it dude.
Do not starve yourself, do not even look for a pill to help. They do not exist.
Read through some of the diets on this site. Pick one that would suit you best then begin it. If you slip up during the day (not assuming you will just saying) do not stop eating that will only worsen the damage for that day.
Pick up the torch of training and keep going!
If you’re looking for a good place to start with clean eating, I’d suggest taking a look at the men’s health (I feel dirty for saying that) power 13 or whatever-the-crap-they-call-it abs diet foods. It’s a good base.
Read the beginners sticky.
At this point, its about finding a lifestyle shift that you can continue to be successful with for the rest of your life. Most of us on this site eat like we do as second nature now, and not from following any set plan. We’re able to do this because we put in the time when we started to plan everything out.
My advice:
-make a weekly menu, stick to it. This will help you have a grocery list to shop for.
-go back and read the “make a menu” thing above
-start weight training, NOW! it does not matter at this point if you’re good or bad at it. I’ve been training for almost two years now and I still suck at almost every lift (weight wise).
-Find a training program on here and stick to it all the way thru. I like Waterburys “total body training”
-Join a real gym, and forget whatever is in your building, unless it has a squat rack you can use.
-Start walking in the morning before breakfast or do some sort of cardio.
In reality, if you make the shift from eating shit to eating “clean” a lot of the weight will just fall off. I too am a former fatty (250+ to under 200), and I dropped a ton of weight initially without training (a stupid way to go, don’t do it) and just replacing frozen food and crap food with fruit for snacks. I made an effort to have a sandwich instead of eating hot pockets or whatever, and I made sure to some sort of breakfast every day.
good luck! Read everything you can about nutrition on here, and find something that works for you. Then stick to it. You’ll like the results.
[quote]boyscout wrote:
Read the beginners sticky.
What does this mean?
it means to read this http://www.T-Nation.com/tmagnum/readTopic.do?id=817951
dont worry read alot on this site most of yoru questions will be answered if you do just read up on here before you ask theres tons of great advice and knowledge out here