OK Guys, Here is a question from a T-Vixen, I am assuming you like women with muscles, and I have read your comments about how your girlfriends are worried about “getting too big ha ha” as well as snide remarks about “scary” female bodybuilders so- How big is Too Big in men’s opinion, for us Vixens ?
When is big too big? When your biceps are bigger than our thighs… When you have a bigger package than we do… When someone calls you sir…Naw, just funnin’ with 'ya. I’m sure you’ll get varied opinions here. Good question. I like a woman who still looks feminine. Nice breasts, nice ass, muscular thighs, some detailing to the back, firm erectors, some detailing to the arms, defined midsection, but not full blown abs showing. A Rachel Mclish/Corey Everson/Monica Brant type look. Just my opinion.
I think that even Monica Brant is a little “too big” sometimes. She looked better to me back when she was a professional bikini contest competitor. (There are usually pics of her at her site from one of her bikini contests, but it’s under construction right now.) Obviously, she really upped her roid use for a while there.
The fitness gals still look pretty damned good, don’t get me wrong, but the leanness is so extreme at contest time they lose all their yummy curves. Most look better in the off season.
BTW, has anyone noticed that Mandy Blank’s face is starting resemble that of Tom Platz? Spooky.
So, for me, I like some curves and not that overly hard look. It’s not just too much size that’s a turn off, though. It’s that “man-face” some get from drug use. That’s what sends shivers up my spine.
Ultimate bod, IMHO, former Playmate of the Year Karen MscDougal. I’d drink that woman’s bath water and eat the soap.
Chris, just pulled up Karen’s website…Wow. Hot, hot, hot. She could use a little more thigh size though. I guess I have this thing about a woman wrapping those firm thighs around my waist…or my head!
As big as you can get (naturally). I much prefer the look and feel of a hard, muscular woman than a squishy, emaciated bikini model. But I definitely draw the line at steroids: women who are overly muscular or who have other masculine features (face, voice) are a definite turn off.
That’s interesting that you guys like how women look “in the off season” and without “full blown abs” My boyfriend does not like how I look when I am cutting up, I am too “skinny and hard” even though I have placed as high as 2nd in a state show. Too fat and Too thin are easier for me to see than the gray area of “too big” but still feminine. So I stay drug free and out of the nationals.
A Girl…not too much muscle! I’m with Bodz on this one. I especially don’t like seeing a defined midsection on a girl. And no vascularity. A softer look, but fit, you know?
Bodz, got to agree with you on most of that (except I don’t recognise the names). I think what will REALLY turn my head is muscular thighs. No roids, just big, “lean” quads and hams.
I think it’s impossible for most girls to get too big(muscles not fat) naturally. I have spoken to some girls who think they could get as muscular as I am just training hard(with heavy weights and reps below 15). Like my girlfriend thinks she would get huge if she started training really hard and she don’t even eat right.
Without steroids I don’t think it’s possible for a girl to look too big (assuming she stays lean). Once the juice comes into play, though…forget about it…a T-Man wants to be the one with the T…he doesn’t want to be messing around with someone with more T than he.
it’s okay if a woman has some muscle, so long as it is not at the expense of her femininity, and yeah that man face is disgusting, also when the woman get ultra lean with that real thin skin, dehydrated look…by the way i read somewhere that the wrestler chyna,sold a million copies of her playboy issue…anybody care to explain why they would buy an issue of playboy to see her nude…to each his own…but she looks like a damn man, even with all that plastic surgery, yuck!!!
If she’s bigger than me than she’s too big. I have more problems keeping the fat chicks away. I’d love a girl who likes to lift heavy and get ripped.
I have to agree with most of what has been said, especially with Bodz. I think women look best when they look firm and feminine but not too defined. The majority of off-season fitness competitors are like this, but some of the leanness during contest season doesn’t bother me.
Chris, I'm not sure that the man-face can be completely attributed to androgens. Though they play a big part I've seen hGH wreck more havoc on a woman's physique than anything else. Sure it leaned them out but some features grew that just shouldn't have. I have even known a woman who prefers test and anadrol and she still looks spectacular after all these years. The effects seem very individual. As for Monica Brant, I seem to remember that she doesn't even compete anymore. I guess she's just a fitness model now. Still, she has the best overall package in the fitness circuit even when she does seem "too big."
Hmmm, good question! How big is too big? Obviously, it depends on the woman. In general, though, I think that the main thing is to have a decent amount of muscle with a nice, evenly-distributed, relatively thin layer of fat over it. So within reason, more muscle would be desirable. Rachel McLish is an excellent example of a woman who looks better and better the more muscle she has. I saw her in person in the audience at the '80 America, and she didn’t impress me that much. A few years later, I saw her at a book signing deal, and wow! What a transformation! Of course, she had had her boob job by then, but still the main thing was that she no longer had that emaciated vegan look. Those thighs! (Excuse me for juuuust a moment here… Ahh. Much better.) I also dated a woman who did pretty well at an LA show in the late '80s (i.e. she had MUCH more muscle than your average girl), and it definitely a turn-on. So I say, bring on the muscle. But let’s be clear: we’re talking about MUSCLE itself here, NOT all the other masculinizing stuff that so often goes along with it.
abs - 2 or 3 vertical ‘lines’ are hot but a sixpack makes you appear a man.
Fat - some fat is needed for not looking too hard. Also important is wether you have implants or not. Since cutting is gonna reduce one of the most feminine looking parts of your body. Tits larger then average are an automatic turn on.
For examples of good looking i prefer: Cori Nadine, Barbara Ryan, Rachel Moore, Tylene Buck, Cindy Margolis.
I love a girl with a six pack. Even though I don’t have one, & probably never will. I think a girl should still have the curves, but nice defind arms, and legs are great.
A Girl, good question. It’s nice to see more women contributing on this site and asking questions!
I agree with Bodz. I like women who have some muscle, but are not ripped! Most of the fitness competitors look awesome, but around contest time some are too big or too ripped. The offseason is best for them. I like the whole athletic look. I think gymnasts have some of the best bodies. They are strong, muscular, but not ripped and manly looking. I also like women track & field athletes. As soon as women get too hardcore into bodybuilding, they tend to lose that sexy body. I have a friend who has done some shows, and I think she looked better before she got so ripped. The softer, muscular look is the way to go. Leave the shredded six-pack to the guys.
Ripped? You gave yourself the name ‘Ripped’ and you don’t have a six pack? What’s up with that. If you had named yourself ‘Six Pack’ at least you could say that you meant beer. I think that I agree with everyone hear that says athletic but not too ripped or too muscular. Truth be known though I get turned on by all kinds of body types except for the big squishy girls.
Timea Majorova = yummmy!
I like the athletic, toned look–a “firm” body, but not “ripped.” I.e., thighs that are firm and have just a hint of muscle definition (such as slight quad/ham separation) are incredible, but if you can see every head of the quadriceps, then it’s too much. Let me pull some examples from the world of real athletics: Mia Hamm, Steffi Graf, and (especially) Anna Kournikova. Kournikova probably has the best legs and ass I have ever seen. From the fitness competitor world, Brandi Carrier is one that stands out.