Who needs any of that unsightly muscle mass when you could have the slender and toned look of a professional swimmer?? I would hate to just accidently wake up one day looking like Ronnie Coleman, I’ve seen this happen more times than I can count. Good thing askmen.com wrote an article on how to NOT gain muscle mass, wow…
The days of trying to bulk up as much as possible are out. Now the body image most men are looking for and most women find attractive is that of a professional swimmer.
Just to add as a “supplemental article”:
More and more men are seeking a borderline “not too big but not too small look” which Brad displays perfectly in Fight Club. If you’d like to have a killer body like his, I’ll help you get there.
Hmmmmmmmm, how should I go about dropping 70 lbs?
“most women” have no fucking idea what they want in a man
[quote]derek wrote:
Hmmmmmmmm, how should I go about dropping 70 lbs?[/quote]
Stop eating apples would be a good 1st step.
[quote]dk44 wrote:
derek wrote:
Hmmmmmmmm, how should I go about dropping 70 lbs?
Stop eating apples would be a good 1st step.[/quote]
But what about tomatoes? I hear too many tomatoes will do the same thing.
Fun fact, ronnie coleman placed nationals on his high school swim team, at 240lbs.
[quote]derek wrote:
dk44 wrote:
derek wrote:
Hmmmmmmmm, how should I go about dropping 70 lbs?
Stop eating apples would be a good 1st step.
But what about tomatoes? I hear too many tomatoes will do the same thing.[/quote]
I heard cherries can fructose you over
Wow the guy in the main picture of that stupid ass article is small as fuck. How is that not too small? The only thing it definitely isn’t is its not too big lol.
I know we all already know this - but lets just put it out there. Guys who say they “don’t want to get too big” say that because they know it takes more hard work and dedication than they can commit to, and by saying that they don’t have to look like a failure.
It’s a very sad world we live in. My friend just told me this story. He had his bodyfat measured at gold’s( with the electrical impedance thing) and it came out at 9%. Apparently, the trainers started clapping for him, becaus NO ONE had ever had 9% bodyfat before. This friend of mine is 6’2, and weighs 130 pounds. He must be “not too big, but not too small”
[quote]blaine.denton wrote:
It’s a very sad world we live in. My friend just told me this story. He had his bodyfat measured at gold’s( with the electrical impedance thing) and it came out at 9%. Apparently, the trainers started clapping for him, becaus NO ONE had ever had 9% bodyfat before. This friend of mine is 6’2, and weighs 130 pounds. He must be “not too big, but not too small”[/quote]
those things are a joke,the gym I go to they measure you tha tway andt hen they use calipers and gudge the numbers later and have a big party.
but these people on this artical must be stupid check out this quote
swimmer says:
or you could just swim. I’m not olympic and never will be, but after 2 months of training (1.5-2 hours a day) you’ll look like one.
ya thats right swiming for 2 hours a day for 2 months will get you from fat to skinny and ripped.
sure glad I am a free thinker
but all that means is tha tthere will be more females that will want my “bulky,boxy” looking self over some skinny weakling.
its a sad world when men are starving themselves so they can look ripped.
I would ratehr have the muscle to be ripped personally
[quote]josh86 wrote:
Wow the guy in the main picture of that stupid ass article is small as fuck. How is that not too small? The only thing it definitely isn’t is its not too big lol.
I know we all already know this - but lets just put it out there. Guys who say they “don’t want to get too big” say that because they know it takes more hard work and dedication than they can commit to, and by saying that they don’t have to look like a failure.[/quote]
Im not saying i promote the article or anything, but i dont understand why people on this site have a hard time grasping the fact that not everyone wants to be the size of a pro bodybuilder.
[quote]jck524 wrote:
josh86 wrote:
Wow the guy in the main picture of that stupid ass article is small as fuck. How is that not too small? The only thing it definitely isn’t is its not too big lol.
I know we all already know this - but lets just put it out there. Guys who say they “don’t want to get too big” say that because they know it takes more hard work and dedication than they can commit to, and by saying that they don’t have to look like a failure.
Im not saying i promote the article or anything, but i dont understand why people on this site have a hard time grasping the fact that not everyone wants to be the size of a pro bodybuilder. [/quote]
you make it sound like attaining the size of “pro bodybuilder” is as easy as flipping a light switch
Bodybuilding is portrayed very poorly in American culture these days. It’s seen as simply being “weird” or indicating some kind of mental or emotional issues.
Action stars are smaller than ever because an action star that is simply “lean” (at 150lbs) is much more easy to relate to for your average guy, and is something they could achieve without too much hard work. (Or steroids! boo!)
Sad times.
[quote]jck524 wrote:
josh86 wrote:
Wow the guy in the main picture of that stupid ass article is small as fuck. How is that not too small? The only thing it definitely isn’t is its not too big lol.
I know we all already know this - but lets just put it out there. Guys who say they “don’t want to get too big” say that because they know it takes more hard work and dedication than they can commit to, and by saying that they don’t have to look like a failure.
Im not saying i promote the article or anything, but i dont understand why people on this site have a hard time grasping the fact that not everyone wants to be the size of a pro bodybuilder. [/quote]
Oh come on, what little kid would rather look like spiderman than the hulk? Let’s be serious here.
This is for the weak. Since its hard to gain muscle, people would rather say they dont want to get muscle, that way when they dont build muscle, they didn’t fail but instead achieved their goal.
At the same time, its hard to gain and maintain a good physique and I dont blame people for not wanting it. If it was easy, it wouldn’t be desired.
[quote]jck524 wrote:
josh86 wrote:
Wow the guy in the main picture of that stupid ass article is small as fuck. How is that not too small? The only thing it definitely isn’t is its not too big lol.
I know we all already know this - but lets just put it out there. Guys who say they “don’t want to get too big” say that because they know it takes more hard work and dedication than they can commit to, and by saying that they don’t have to look like a failure.
Im not saying i promote the article or anything, but i dont understand why people on this site have a hard time grasping the fact that not everyone wants to be the size of a pro bodybuilder. [/quote]
that guy doesn’t have to worry about it…
I cant believe people are still allowed to put stuff this like online.
How the hell is the body of a swimmer what all women want? Even if it was i would not change one thing about my training.
Its like my friend said one time when i took him to the gym.
" I want to get in good shape but not like massive or too muscley too soon like ronnie coleman or something"
he plays alot of golf, and i replied
“Well im thinking of going to the course with you, but just a little, i dont want to end up as good as tiger Woods or something”
I immediately had to click back, I felt testosterone being sucked out of me the minute I saw the skeleton on the opening page. Worst experience I had today, damnit jimmy! I knew I shouldn’t have clicked on that link!
Hahahahahah, i actually read a few of those articles. The brad pitt one was HILARIOUS… make sure to do cardio 5 days per week in the morning on an empty stomach. Oh and make sure to do high reps and short rest breaks, because your trying to look toned like brad pitt, and not like vin diesal.
This information makes me cry
***But what would really make me cry, is if brad pitt can lift more than me. More motivation to increase my lifts.