I Need a Job...Now!

I don’t know about any of you other people on this site, but I’ve been looking for a job for the past 6 months and can’t find squat. I just graduated college with a business degree, and nobody wants to hire for an entry level position. I’m going nuts. Anyone else having difficulty on here, or do I stand alone? (and it’s not like I’m not trying)

Start your own damn company. You got the business degree right?

I’ve been hearing that from several guys I know who got business degrees, as well. Apparently they are a dime a dozen right now.

what did you major in?

Working is overrated unless you are still living with your parents.

[quote]goldfingers24 wrote:
I don’t know about any of you other people on this site, but I’ve been looking for a job for the past 6 months and can’t find squat. I just graduated college with a business degree, and nobody wants to hire for an entry level position. I’m going nuts. Anyone else having difficulty on here, or do I stand alone? (and it’s not like I’m not trying)[/quote]

No offense bro but maybe you should have studied up on which jobs actual pay well and persued that degree program. I find it amazing how people spend all their time and money on bullshit degrees and than wonder whay they can’t find a good job. I guess it’s the Military for you dude.

yeah what did you major in? thats a huge factor.

[quote]destroyedquads wrote:
yeah what did you major in? thats a huge factor.[/quote]

Engineering, Power Production.

I’m an operator at a power plant. I run 2 285MW Units.

I don’t know about your university, but at Delaware, Business is what you major in when you don’t want school to interrupt your busy drinking schedule…

If you’re having trouble, take some time to think about unconventional industries you can branch out into maybe. Establishing breadth would also help later if you want to work for a real “business” firm.

For example, Engineers will sometimes work in “business major” companies in management positions because of the fact that they think in a completely different way from the business types. Current UD president, for example: Undergraduate Civil Engineering major, did a bunch of engineering work and ended up Dean of UPenn’s Business School.

Think for a bit.

If you want to move to Louisiana I can get you a job. Its rather inglorious work for the first 6-12 months. Then you go to school for 8 weeks, where they are supposed to teach you everything you should know. Then you work under somebody like me, who teaches you what you really need to know and how to it.

[quote]StrengthDawg wrote:

No offense bro but maybe you should have studied up on which jobs actual pay well and persued that degree program. I find it amazing how people spend all their time and money on bullshit degrees and than wonder whay they can’t find a good job. I guess it’s the Military for you dude.

Too bad thats the route college has taken these days. College is supposed to be something where you go and further educate yourself in something you enjoy because you volunteered to go do it. A bachelor’s degree today is like a high school diploma was in the 70’s, basically a necessity to get anywhere.

People should go to college to learn something they wish to expand their education on whether its philosophy, art, or anything else. Now that a degree is a near requirement to get past entry level positions you have to take courses you dont want to take just so you can hopefully get a job later on. Its a sad state of affairs.

To the OP, I have a few friends here in Texas that are having the same problems. I actually have a BBA in Management myself, but never even tried to find a job with it because I decided to become a firefighter (couldnt stand the thought of being behind a desk pushing paper at age 22). If you cant find a business job soon you may consider an alternative career path. Im by no means saying you have to pick something you dont enjoy doing, but a degree can get you a long way in the military, law enforcement, firefighting, and almost any other govt job. The pay is lousy, but the benefits are great =) You could also try starting your own business as mentioned above, along with all kinds of other options.

I’m right there with you OP. Finishing up my last class for my BA in English right now. I can’t find anything in the area so it’s looking like I may have to move to a bigger city like Boston or Hartford to find something.

having networked is also a big thing. Apparently you do not have many connections…?

I’ve never had a proper job (even part time) so far and im 18… not too bad, but in my mind i just cant see myself ever in a fulltime job. Hmm :confused:

Times are tough. There really aren’t many jobs available out there.

If you can’t find something to your liking, it might be an idea to intern somewhere or take a shit job that offers good “in the trenches” experience. A degree, virtually ANY undergrad degree counts for shit these days with employers…experience is where its at.

Also, you didn’t mention exactly how you were job searching, but I would advise against online applications at places like careerbuilder and monster. Submitting your resume by email is very passive and doesn’t make you stand out against competitors. Find a company you want to work for, research it and get the contact information of a hiring manager there. Doing this shows initiative and resourcefulness.

[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:
Times are tough. There really aren’t many jobs available out there.

If you can’t find something to your liking, it might be an idea to intern somewhere or take a shit job that offers good “in the trenches” experience. A degree, virtually ANY undergrad degree counts for shit these days with employers…experience is where its at.

Also, you didn’t mention exactly how you were job searching, but I would advise against online applications at places like careerbuilder and monster. Submitting your resume by email is very passive and doesn’t make you stand out against competitors. Find a company you want to work for, research it and get the contact information of a hiring manager there. Doing this shows initiative and resourcefulness.[/quote]


If nothing else…hang out at Home Depot?

At least you can work out hard while you unemployed. You had mentioned squats, it may not pay the bills but its the silver lining to a bad situation. Economies go up and down. Patience and attitude will allow you to get through.

Undergrad degrees degrees are worthless. I lost a fulltime steady job in the financial district in Boston, as well as a partime job as a Realtor, both in the same week in Feb. Was out of work for 2 months, found a contract position that paid decent, but ended 5 months later. I’ve been out of work again for 3 months.

You’re fresh out of school and young. It could be worse, you could be married and have REAL bills like some of us. It really sucks out there. I apply to 50+ jobs DAILY, for a lost less than what I was making with no luck.

Hire some Saudis and start a gas station…