Business college is full of douchers, at least at the one that I go to. I swear, it’s like college for retards. I would say that 80 percent of the students in my business college must be border-line retarded. Most of them are stupid and white. Stupid white male doucher frat punks. All of them are majoring in marketing, management, business strategy, or any of the other waste of time, useless majors.
What I dislike most about business college is having to “network” and be nice to people. Most business majors stress those made up “soft skills” like being nice to people, talking to people, not wanting to kill people, etc… Fortunately for me, my major doesn’t stress these “soft skills” as much as the other ones do, which is great for me. You also have to do a lot of bullshit group projects for your marketing, management, and strategy classes, which are absolute nightmares for me because I HATE COLLEGE KIDS. But if you are good at tolerating stupid college kid idiocy without wanting to shoot yourself, you should have no problems with it.
I would say that 90 percent of the classes I have taken, not related to my major, are complete and total wastes of time, money, and effort. It is beyond annoying. A lot of what you learn in college is fluff and bullshit anyway, but in business school it’s multiplied by 100. Honestly, some of the shit they teach in business school looks like it was just made up yesterday by a bunch of 6th graders.
I don’t know what to say about internships, except you will probably have to join one of the greek organizations like Phi Kappa Psi Beta Gamma whatever… in order to go to their functions and meet recruiters. Firms will come to campus and recruit straight out of these organizations, so I guess joining one will be vital to getting an internship.
About what to major in… I really couldn’t tell you. Marketing is the number one major at my school, I think its because it is by far the easiest. You can tell a lot about how difficult marketing is by the dumbshits that major in it. It is also one of the most lucrative majors, I am told. I wouldn’t know. All I know is that I hated my marketing classes with the intensity of a dying sun. If you are good at bullshitting people and being a pompous ass, you might want to check it out. But you could probably be far more respected if you went the laywer route.
I admit that I am very confused about the job market. From whatever source you listen to the job market is either “GREAT!” or it is “NOT LOOKING GOOD…” And the demand for certain majors varies almost every month. Don’t attach your major to the promise of a job as soon as you get out. You probably won’t find shit when you graduate anyway unless you kissed and licked ass at an internship first. Most of my professors all seem to agree that the “hiring frenzy” isn’t going to start until mid 2011.
I wouldn’t go into business college unless you are absolutely sure on what you want to do. I wanted to major in economics, and that’s what I am minoring in now, but when I took my first accounting class as an elective, I fell in love with it and now that’s what I want to do with my life.
Sorry I can’t be of any real help, this post looks more like a rant, but if you have any more specific questions I will try and answer them.