I’m taking a break from this board (and the net in general…I am staying off all boards)
until at least April 1st 2001. The sheer volume of requests here and by e-mail are
waxing on my time to do other important
things in my life. “Mrs. Brock” is not
happy that I am up until 3AM answering
e-mails and checking this board. I suspect
she would like to get laid once in awhile.
“Not now honey, there is this burning
topic on the TMAG board I just have
to address” is something that is actually
heard in my house unfortunately.
I have 10 weeks of some heavy classes
that start just after New Years and I owe
it to myself to direct as much energy
as I can to them.
Plus, my vibe has been sort of negative
as of late and I think a break will allow
me to come back refreshed and happier
which will aptly be reflected in my posting
I am still moving ahead with the
"Dilandren" project for sure. In fact,
it is one of the things I intend to do while
I am away from this board and other.
It is my sincerest hope that each and
everyone of you have a pleasant and
safe New Years Holiday.
I think I am gonna go throw one into the
missus now
Warmest regards and may you all attain
your fitness goals in the forthcoming year. -
It’s always good to keep your wife happy. Enjoy your break Brock and good luck with your “Dilandren” project. I patiently await for it. Happy New Years everyone.
You deserve the break. Take care of your business at home first. Everyone should remember and be thankful for people such as you giving good, technical, and FREE advice. Remember people like Brock are doing us all a favor; it’s not an obligation.
Well Brock, I know I’m speaking for everyone when I say that we’ll miss you. I most certainly hope that none of my posts may have been misinterpreted by you, as I always am sincerely grateful for the countless amount of time you give to us in answering our posts and helping us out on our probs. Well I must digress as any further reading of this message by you would mean you’re not giving the missus that which rhymes with “brock.” Have a great New Year, Mr. Strasser, and I’ll be anticipating your return.
yeah, thanks for all of your helpfull advice and all of the time you devoted to helping everyone else. it really is appreciated. i spend a pretty good amount of time on this site too, but my time is spent acquiring knowledge and asking questions. it is people like you that help people like me become more knowledable and reach our goals. Good luck to you on your classes as well as the projects you will be working on and thanks again for all of your help. - Nic
Uh, Brock–I’ve heard this before on another board. You can’t stay off these boards. You’re addicted to them. Here’s a good resolution for you–instead of talking about what you’re going to do, etc., JUST DO IT. That’s good advice for us all. Peace–
I’ll definitely miss your input over the next few months Brock. There are many out here who don’t write much on the forum, but read everything you and the others at T-Mag write and use what makes sense for us as individuals.I look forward to your return to the forum. Don’t EVER let the negative types give ya the burnout. See you in April. Thanks for everything!!!
Take care of buisness ‘Bro’-- I just want to thank you Brock for all the time and info. you’ve dished out in the last year or so, my gains have been AWESOME and you are responsible for much of this !! Whenever I go to the “Forum” and see your name (or Bill’s) I’ve just got to read what your saying even if its a subject I’m not really intrested in. CUTTING EDGE INFO> Can’t wait 'til you get back!!! And-YOU have a great new year!!