I learned a lot from you guys.

Oh well what can I say. Thanks guys, I would’nt know what I know now if it wasn’t for you guys. It’s kind of cool having Ian’s “How to Write Strength programs,” and know one else does. I’m just learning from the best. Your supplements kick ass you guys know that. However, I like how you respond to the drug scene. If I would do a cycle I would definenatley contact the fourm. However, I don’t need them after nine years of training. Well maybe two after tow, reading you guys. On the contrary, this is sad, I live in L.A. the so called fitness cap of the world. Thus, after working at various gyms, I’m the only one who has heard of t-mag. Hello, I can’t really tell them about you guys because I wouldn’t have any clients. I could say “Save your five hundred dollars and read Testosterone.” Furthermore, that wouldn’t happen because, “I don’t have the time.” F#$#@ off, God made man and God makes himself and He is not coming back. We’re on God’s Comedy Channel, hello. Do drugs safely, but remember alcohol and tobacco kill more people than anything. Think about it. We live in one big cast system.

The Bammer

P.S. for all the retards, in which I can say because I taught them. I found t-mag through Charles P… If you don’t know who that is, go back to curling in the squat rack and go to the library and do your own research. Come on now, look at George Washington, he had a hemp farm and he was a crack head. Look real close at some pixs, he had a pouch hanging from his nexk. Hell ya,

See this kids? Here’s the lesson: Don’t smoke crack.

And some yahoo on another thread complained about my wanting posts to be literate…

This is some funny shit. :slight_smile: