Upper / Lower split.
I’m 172cm and 75kg.
A Upper. Monday
Flat bench 3 x 10
Incline bench 3 x 10
Bent over barbell row, pronated, wide grip 3 x 10
Lat pull downs, supinated, medium grip 3 x 10
(advised as doing two heavy pushes, no shoulder press) SO lateral delt d’bell raises 3 x 10
Tricep push downs 3 x 10
Barebell curls 3 x 10
Decline crunches 3 x 10 and when becomes easy will add weight
A Lower. Tuesday.
I cannot do squats or deads at the mo due to old knee probs. If and when they feel up to it I will put squats and deads into my rouine eventually, Until then, carefully does it -
Leg press 3 x 10
Calf press 3 x 10
Glute machine (rear abduction or something, it works your glutes in isolation) 3 x 10
Hyperextension 3 x failiure, careful form, will go weighted when comfortable with it.
WED - REST / steady state cardio, swim or elliptical. Or if not feel rested, just rest.
B Upper. Thursday.
Chins - 5 sets of v low reps at the moment so when done will do 3 x 10 lat pull down, wide grip, good form.
Dumbell rows 3 x 10
Flat bench 3 x 10
Incline flies 3 x 10
Arnold press or millitary barbell press 3 x 10
dumbell curls 3 x 10
tricep dips 3 x 10
B Lower. Friday
Leg extension 3 x 10
Ham curls 3 x 10
calf press 3 x 10
(My legs are shortish and pretty thick compared to upper bod so am comfortable with this level of intensity for legs and I can lift way more with them than my upper body.)
Sat rest.
Sun, some steady state low intensity cardio if I feel rested.
I have tried 5 x 5 and 4 x 6 in the past and it never gave me as good hypertrophy as 3 x 10 so i will stick with 3 x 10 or 3 x 8 if that is better advised.
I have bought 3 months worth of ‘Gold Standard’ Whey protien powder which gives you tons of bacs and protien precursors and all that stuff. It’s a goodun, most expensive in the store here in Shanghai.
At my current 75kg I will go for around 140g protien a day and clean carbs and veg.
I will take a 25g serving of the whey powder and a portion of carbs an hour before each workout and another 25g shake after. The other 90g protien will be my 3 meals a day, rice or pasta with meat / fish / eggs etc and servings of veg.
On non training days I guess take a protien shake in the a.m. and one before bed?
All thoughts on my exercise choices and reps / sets welcomed. Also whether I should do 4x a week or 3x a week. My work is not very physical, so no probs there.
Is abs and lower back hypers just once a week good or should I do 2x?
I DO NOT do warm up sets, just 3 straight work sets with the same weight after some light cardio and stretching, and when I can do more than 3 x 10, I up the wieght and if I need to on third set, do a drop set until I am making 3 sollid sets of ten without the drop set and then up the wieght. This is because I like to keep things simple as possible.
I am looking to get lean gains and when I am at around a good body fat percentage and look for my height and weight to be quite honest with you, I will progress obviously, as will get stronger, or if I platue will change routine after 3 - 6 months. But as I said, tbh when I am a solid lean 75 - 80 kg I will be looking to maintain so will not up protein too much and will just look to stay in that shape.
I like the lean defined look, but not the bulky look. No offense to anyone. Think a middle wieght boxer or a welterweight mma fighter - that is my preferred look, is right for my weight and height and is where I’ll be wanting to stay. Any advice as to how one ACTUALLY DOES THAT - MAINTAIN, will also be very welcomed.