Fuck. So I’m posting this to vent, and to try and get some suggestions. My eventual goal is to compete in strongman, so I am posting this here in the hopes of getting advice geared towards the requirements of strongman.
I train at home with (currently) nothing but a barbell and a set of rings. Since starting training at home I have been using the Zercher squat as my main means of squatting and building leg strength/size.
As of my last training session I can’t fucking Zercher anymore, the bar puts pressure on a certain part of my forearm and pain shoots through my forearm and between my first 2 knuckles.
I’m guessing it’s a trapped nerve, but it completely shuts me down - I can feel it even during light warm up sets. What I’m looking for is a decent alternative, I have no squat rack and not exactly a lot of money to buy one. I’m not a fan of cleaning the bar to front squat as:
A) Front squats suck monkey balls
B) High rep front squats suck even harder
C) If I had to dump the bar (would probably happen sooner rather than later) I’d smash the patio
How important is a squatting variation in strongman? Are cleans a suitable alternative?
I’m trying to look on the bright side of this shit sandwich, so I’m thinking this will allow me to focus on my deadlift, I just need to find a way to get some quad work in.
I had just finished a cycle of 5/3/1 before this happened and planned to follow it until June. I have no bench so I have been simply pressing, zerchering and pulling and had one day of press assistance.
Maybe now I’d be better off doing some kind of 4 day a week upper/lower split (A-Press heavy B-Pull heavy C-Press light D-Pull light) with plenty of assistance (lunges, some front squats staying away from failure, and romanian deads as far as leg work goes)?
Basically I’m looking for advice from someone with experience in the sport as to my best move to make currently.