I said it, I said it: I’m skinny. Very skinny. And very weak. I’m 17 years old, 5’9" tall and roughly 150 lbs.
At the beginning of last school year, I was the same height, and 125 lbs, give or take a few. I’ve always been skinny, and I’ve always hated being skinny, but last year was the first time that I made any progress.
I used mostly bodyweight exercises, kept no journal, had only 1 or 2 protein shakes a day when I could afford it, and ate very little food (although, the food that I did eat was clean). Also… I worked the upper body almost exclusively.
That’s not really important, though. What I did (or didn’t do) in the past can’t be changed. How I train and eat in the future can be.
My main issue is money. Food costs money, supplements cost money, and equipment costs money- money that I haven’t had until now. I have two adjustable dumbells, 140 pounds of weight plates, and a 20 pound barbell. That sucks.
Anyway, my goals are simple: I want to get big and strong. Really big and strong. Skull-crushing, Volkswagen-benching strong, and jaw-droppingly big.
Oh, and try out for the Special Forces.
My questions: Where do I start?
What books are good?
Do I reap any benefits from working out while starved (not literally starved, just eating a diet low in energy and protein)?
How much bodyfat is it okay to carry while bulking?
Should I do cardio while bulking? (I’m afraid of the calorie burn)
At what point will increased volume hinder progress instead of enhancing it?
Will upright rows really destroy my shoulders?
Is god real?
Thanks in advance, T-Nation. I would post pictures, but it’s not like I need a physique critique. My entire physique sucks, head to toe. Every muscle is a weak spot.