I Am That Skinny Punk

I said it, I said it: I’m skinny. Very skinny. And very weak. I’m 17 years old, 5’9" tall and roughly 150 lbs.

At the beginning of last school year, I was the same height, and 125 lbs, give or take a few. I’ve always been skinny, and I’ve always hated being skinny, but last year was the first time that I made any progress.

I used mostly bodyweight exercises, kept no journal, had only 1 or 2 protein shakes a day when I could afford it, and ate very little food (although, the food that I did eat was clean). Also… I worked the upper body almost exclusively.

That’s not really important, though. What I did (or didn’t do) in the past can’t be changed. How I train and eat in the future can be.

My main issue is money. Food costs money, supplements cost money, and equipment costs money- money that I haven’t had until now. I have two adjustable dumbells, 140 pounds of weight plates, and a 20 pound barbell. That sucks.

Anyway, my goals are simple: I want to get big and strong. Really big and strong. Skull-crushing, Volkswagen-benching strong, and jaw-droppingly big.

Oh, and try out for the Special Forces.

My questions: Where do I start?
What books are good?

Do I reap any benefits from working out while starved (not literally starved, just eating a diet low in energy and protein)?

How much bodyfat is it okay to carry while bulking?

Should I do cardio while bulking? (I’m afraid of the calorie burn)

At what point will increased volume hinder progress instead of enhancing it?

Will upright rows really destroy my shoulders?

Is god real?

Thanks in advance, T-Nation. I would post pictures, but it’s not like I need a physique critique. My entire physique sucks, head to toe. Every muscle is a weak spot.


Check out Chad Waterbury’s TBT, its a good place to start.

Don’t worry about fat gain while bulking. Lift, eat and sleep. Do it consistently, and you’ll be fine. Good luck bud.

First, for 17, you are not doing bad at all. You are carrying more relative size than I was at the same age. You can start with Vroom’s beginner thread in this forum.

Don’t lift on a completely empty stomach and don’t lift on a full stomach. The only time that I train on a near empty stomach, is when training legs. If you have to ask why, that simply means you need to lift for a while longer.

I normally wait about an hour after eating or longer before hitting the gym. Any timer before that and I will feel nauseated. This is highly individual. The bottom line is, you need the energy in order to train hard.

Again this is highly individual. I think there are too many people caught up on a NUMBER. Unless you are truly fat, I would recommend you pry yourself away from relying on that and use the mirror more. If you are able to hold chunks of fat in your hands from your stomach when you stand up, you have gone too far. Many people will stop as soon as their abs are obscured. I personally haven’t worried about that even though my own goals are currently changing. If you are looking for a flat static answer, there isn’t one. It comes down to preference. None of us, however, would tell someone to truly get fat as hell just to gain body weight. If I had to give a liomit at all, I would say most people do not want to be at or over 20% body fat.

[quote]Should I do cardio while bulking? (I’m afraid of the calorie burn)

Feel a pattern emerging? Again, this is highly individual. Some kid weighing 120lbs who keeps losing weight should probably try to avoid long cardio sessioons until he gets his weight under control. If you are gaining weight too fast, cardio 2 or 3 times a week is a good thing. Some people have overly fast metabolisms and should probably reduce their cardio so their bodies can grow. Again, a flat answer will not apply to everyone.

The moment the weight you use stops becoming enough resistance to promote growth. You should be lifting heavy with “decent” form. If you can lift a weight 20 times, chances are, it is too light. If you can only lift a weight one time…and you had to cheat to get it in the air, it is too heavy. There are multiple variations of reps and sets. This is why you need to do research. This is not as easy as looking for flat answers that apply to all people at all times.

Yes, upright rows suck monkey ass.

That depends on your concept of God. Is there an order to things that seems to go against blatant chaos and does there seem to be a process of biological improvement on this planet that defies random disorder? I would say, “yes”.

[quote]Weasel42 wrote:

Anyway, my goals are simple: I want to get big and strong. Really big and strong. Skull-crushing, Volkswagen-benching strong, and jaw-droppingly big.

Oh, and try out for the Special Forces.


These don’t go hand in hand. Trust me it’s one or the other.

[quote]E-man wrote:
Weasel42 wrote:

Anyway, my goals are simple: I want to get big and strong. Really big and strong. Skull-crushing, Volkswagen-benching strong, and jaw-droppingly big.

Oh, and try out for the Special Forces.

These don’t go hand in hand. Trust me it’s one or the other.


Your post contained no actual facts. Please enlighten me.

Prof X: Thanks for taking time to answer my questions.

One more question: Should my knees be locked/my back straight when I do standing presses?

Thanks a lot, guys.

Holy shit! I smell big time success for this dude! He’s the first one who gets it. He a newbie role model.

Good luck brother… I have a feeling you will be getting very big and very soon.

Here’s the link to start you off.


I think special forces is big on caloric restrictions and endurance, both of which hinder muscle and strength gain. It would be like saying “I want to be a huge powerlifter and run marathons in my spare time”. Probably not going to go too well.

Congrats on NOT posting a pic of yourself.
Congrats on asking some sensible questions.
Congrats on having some maturity to your post and on your outlook to future gains.

Start with Vroom’s thread and go on from there.

Work with what you got, Bro. Progress is progress, even if it’s not optimal.

It’s nice to see a fellow beginner with such an awesome attitude!

Don’t worry about fat gain, or BF%. If you feel and look fat, your fat. Beyonjd that, who gives a shit? I have a 22% BF. Lots of people tell me thats fat. I don’t feel fat, so fuck them.

Cardio cardio cardio. Back off it a bit in the begining. Once you’ve gain some, try it out. If it hinders your progress to the point where you think it isn’t worth it, stop. From what I’ve experience thus far, weight lifting and the fitness lifestyle as a whole is about trying a bunch of shit (all the while sticking to the basics at heart) and finding what works best for you.

I hope you stay with you goals! Weightlifting and this site helped me get my ass out of a deep depression, and has postitivly effected my life in many ways. I hope you get just a positive experience as I’ve had thus far.

Good luck dude (and thanks for not posting a picture and turning a smart beginner thread into a flame-fest ^_~).

[quote]Weasel42 wrote:

Anyway, my goals are simple: I want to get big and strong. Really big and strong. Skull-crushing, Volkswagen-benching strong, and jaw-droppingly big.

Oh, and try out for the Special Forces.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but with the exception of a few genetic freaks with reeeeally slow metabolisms(which obviously isn’t you), if you join SF your gonna be skinny, period. Military fitness is more about endurance and mental toughness then how much ya bench.

why do you think we do so many BW exercises? the fact is with all those BW’s and running at least 10 miles a day, SF = Skinny but Fuckintuff

but on the bright side, you get to wear one of those kickass green berets :wink:

Evansmi: Well, I can handle being skinny for a few years, and like I said, I’m no stranger to BW; I was doing between 600-1000 pushups 6 days a week last year**

In the meantime, I’m going to get big and strong.

**e-penis warning

Awesome post X. Well said.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
First, for 17, you are not doing bad at all. You are carrying more relative size than I was at the same age. You can start with Vroom’s beginner thread in this forum.

Do I reap any benefits from working out while starved (not literally starved, just eating a diet low in energy and protein)?

Don’t lift on a completely empty stomach and don’t lift on a full stomach. The only time that I train on a near empty stomach, is when training legs. If you have to ask why, that simply means you need to lift for a while longer.

I normally wait about an hour after eating or longer before hitting the gym. Any timer before that and I will feel nauseated. This is highly individual. The bottom line is, you need the energy in order to train hard.

How much bodyfat is it okay to carry while bulking?

Again this is highly individual. I think there are too many people caught up on a NUMBER. Unless you are truly fat, I would recommend you pry yourself away from relying on that and use the mirror more. If you are able to hold chunks of fat in your hands from your stomach when you stand up, you have gone too far. Many people will stop as soon as their abs are obscured. I personally haven’t worried about that even though my own goals are currently changing. If you are looking for a flat static answer, there isn’t one. It comes down to preference. None of us, however, would tell someone to truly get fat as hell just to gain body weight. If I had to give a liomit at all, I would say most people do not want to be at or over 20% body fat.

Should I do cardio while bulking? (I’m afraid of the calorie burn)

Feel a pattern emerging? Again, this is highly individual. Some kid weighing 120lbs who keeps losing weight should probably try to avoid long cardio sessioons until he gets his weight under control. If you are gaining weight too fast, cardio 2 or 3 times a week is a good thing. Some people have overly fast metabolisms and should probably reduce their cardio so their bodies can grow. Again, a flat answer will not apply to everyone.

At what point will increased volume hinder progress instead of enhancing it?

The moment the weight you use stops becoming enough resistance to promote growth. You should be lifting heavy with “decent” form. If you can lift a weight 20 times, chances are, it is too light. If you can only lift a weight one time…and you had to cheat to get it in the air, it is too heavy. There are multiple variations of reps and sets. This is why you need to do research. This is not as easy as looking for flat answers that apply to all people at all times.

Will upright rows really destroy my shoulders?

Yes, upright rows suck monkey ass.

Is god real?

That depends on your concept of God. Is there an order to things that seems to go against blatant chaos and does there seem to be a process of biological improvement on this planet that defies random disorder? I would say, “yes”.

[quote]Go heavy fool wrote:
Holy shit! I smell big time success for this dude! He’s the first one who gets it. He a newbie role model.

Good luck brother… I have a feeling you will be getting very big and very soon.

Here’s the link to start you off.


That’s so refreshing given the recent spate of postings by guys his age, and what appears to be PC type attitude growing in the ranks. Maybe everyone, not just newbies should be required read absorb AA’s awesome Brotherhood of Iron thread before they’re granted memebership. The Dr. Phil types on this site wouldn’t like it, but TOO BAD.

[quote]Weasel42 wrote:
I said it, I said it: I’m skinny. Very skinny. And very weak. I’m 17 years old, 5’9" tall and roughly 150 lbs.

At the beginning of last school year, I was the same height, and 125 lbs, give or take a few. I’ve always been skinny, and I’ve always hated being skinny, but last year was the first time that I made any progress.

I used mostly bodyweight exercises, kept no journal, had only 1 or 2 protein shakes a day when I could afford it, and ate very little food (although, the food that I did eat was clean). Also… I worked the upper body almost exclusively.

That’s not really important, though. What I did (or didn’t do) in the past can’t be changed. How I train and eat in the future can be.

My main issue is money. Food costs money, supplements cost money, and equipment costs money- money that I haven’t had until now. I have two adjustable dumbells, 140 pounds of weight plates, and a 20 pound barbell. That sucks.

Anyway, my goals are simple: I want to get big and strong. Really big and strong. Skull-crushing, Volkswagen-benching strong, and jaw-droppingly big.

Oh, and try out for the Special Forces.

My questions: Where do I start?
What books are good?

Do I reap any benefits from working out while starved (not literally starved, just eating a diet low in energy and protein)?

How much bodyfat is it okay to carry while bulking?

Should I do cardio while bulking? (I’m afraid of the calorie burn)

At what point will increased volume hinder progress instead of enhancing it?

Will upright rows really destroy my shoulders?

Is god real?

Thanks in advance, T-Nation. I would post pictures, but it’s not like I need a physique critique. My entire physique sucks, head to toe. Every muscle is a weak spot.

PLEASE HELP.[/quote]

Hey, most, if not all of us were that skinny punk. You at least are willing to admit it, and ain’t that the first step to getting help? j/k. I weighed the same as you at your age and I’m almost 2" taller, 147 actually, ouch. Of course great places like this weren’t quite as available in the not to distant past so you’ve already have a good start by coming here.

I was inspired to write this after reading the Brotherhood of Iron thread.

You probably knew that.

[quote]E-man wrote:

These don’t go hand in hand. Trust me it’s one or the other.


My brother is pretty effing big (been lifting heavy since he was 12, he’s now early 40s), probably bigger than a lot of the guys on this site, and he spent 20 years in SF. Where are you getting your data?

Son, these guys are right! You NEED to eat. When the Army hits the field, we get 3 MRE’s per day. Each meal is 1300 Cals. That’s 3900 PER DAY (and not all of it ‘clean food’) and we still snack. I will bet we don’t do half the physical exertion you are going thru when you’re training each day.

You’re a growing lad.
One of the great pleasures of being a teenager is eating whatever the f**k you want & still not put on a single pound in weight. If you exercise, so much the better, but it means you have eat MORE. Whatever you eat will be burned off by natural growth in a teenager and / or thru exercise. Failing that, it’ll get burned off during recovery days (weeks) on body repair.
You’ve got until your thirties to worry about being lean, so pig out!

best of luck man, you asked some great questions, and i wish you the best, and big props on not posting a picture, make sure to give up some updates in a couple months or so.

Thanks a lot guys. You rock, and I’ll definitely update you on my progress as I make gains.

I’ve decided to leave the training alone for a couple of weeks- I have some bills to take care of, and won’t really be able to afford enough food to make progress until my next paycheck.

Here’s another thing I’ve wondered about for a long time: There’s enough quality information on this website alone to write several books about how to optimize your diet for muscular performance and hypertrophy… but what about your brain? We all know the CNS has a huge impact on performance… so what do I eat to feed my brain?