Hey guys, here is my “story” I suppose. Been lifting for some time now and have realized that I sweat way more then anyone around me. I’ve looked into it and I may have Hyperthyroidism which the thyroid is over active. This causes increase, bowel movements, trouble sleeping excessive sweating, among other things, these are my symptoms.
I was wondering if anyone here has had the same thing, and undergone medical therapy to fix this. Since the medication suppresses hormones in charge of metabolism will i see dips in my weight or will it be hard to gain or lose weight. If that is the case I’m going to be so fucked up. Thanks for the responses guys. Also sorry for the short explantion, I am a bit short on time.
[quote]Umbrata Fortis wrote:
Hey guys, here is my “story” I suppose. Been lifting for some time now and have realized that I sweat way more then anyone around me. I’ve looked into it and I may have Hyperthyroidism which the thyroid is over active. This causes increase, bowel movements, trouble sleeping excessive sweating, among other things, these are my symptoms.
I was wondering if anyone here has had the same thing, and undergone medical therapy to fix this. Since the medication suppresses hormones in charge of metabolism will i see dips in my weight or will it be hard to gain or lose weight. If that is the case I’m going to be so fucked up. Thanks for the responses guys. Also sorry for the short explantion, I am a bit short on time.[/quote]
graves disease? do you monitor your heart rate?
That would be a good question for an MD. Depends, usually hyperthyroidism involves very skinny builds and meds usually aim to slow metabolism which helps people gain weight.
Thanks for the reply man. I do not believe I have graves disease. Nor am I skinny by any means. It was more something that I diagnosed myself. I may not have it ,but I was a bit freaked out when I found out that if I do have it I may be on thyroid suppressors. Right not I’m trying to hit 300 BW for track season, wanting a state record in shot, I also want to hit master level powerlifter before I’m 21, and if the suppressors where to affect metabolism in any I would kinda be in the shitter. I may and probably don’t have it after looking into it a bit more, but im still pretty damn concerned about it.
Being close to 300 pounds is likely to cause increased sweating and difficulty sleeping all by itself, and it is highly unlikely that your thyroid is over active if you’ve managed to get that heavy. If your neck circumference is over 17 inches, it’s very likely that you have sleep apnea.