Hi !
Just wanted to thanks people on this forum as their answers on my previous thread were really helpful !
I was previously on SL5x5 for 8 weeks, which worked great. The only thing is I couldn’t run and swim in the best conditions possible so I decided to scale it down to two days and use a slower progression.
I am 22, 183cm (6") and 74kg (163lbs) , I was 71.5kg(157lb) 8 weeks ago, before starting SL5x5.
I was advised here to use 531 and I will use the Young Wendler version on two days a week (or for athletes in season).
Squat 531
Bench 531
DL 531
Press 531
You can find it here 5/3/1 and Athletes
My current stats are
SQ : 92.5kg x5 (I got 5/4/5/5/5 in my last SL session)
DL : 102.5kgx5
Bench : 65kgx6
Press : 50kgx5 (I got 4/5/4/4/3 in my last SL session)
I based the calculation of my training maxes based on 90% of Jim’s 1RM formula found around here.
TM for first cycle:
SQ : 97kg - 213 lbs
DL : 108kg - 237 lbs
Bench : 70kg - 154 lbs I actually lowered that to 68kg
Press : 52.5kg - 115.5lbs
My first two sessions this week (in kg)
Working sets
65x5, 75x5, 85x9
I felt good so I went for two jokers
and then FSL, 3x5x65.
Working sets
40x5, 50x5, 60x8
For accessory I did 5x15 dumbell rows with a 20kg dumbell.
My second workout
Working sets
70x5, 80x5, 92.5x10
FSL 3x5x70
It was hard to DL for reps, it’s quite different from the heavy 1x5 I used to do but I like it !
Working sets
35x5, 40x5, 45x7
FSL 3x5x35
Dumbell rows 3x10x24kg
Lat pull down
The small gym I go to for Christmas didn’t have dip bars so I did close grip bench press for 5x5 at 50kg. Also it doesn’t have small plates but I try to be as close as possible to the exact weight I should be using.
I understand that Jokers are not supposed to be done all the time, especially on each exercice but I felt good and wanted to try it out. I will not do that again next week.
I will also stick to 3x5 for FSL, and do chin/pull up in one of the days instead of dumbell rows.
My goals are to keep and increase my strength while being able to do well at running and swimming. My first goal when I started 5x5 was to bench my bodyweight and squat 100kg. I’ve never done either but I’m probably closer than ever !
I’d like to bench 100kg but I’ll need patience for that…
I think i’m going to enjoy the extra recovery from lifting twice a week.
If you have any tips/advice please let me know !