Hello everybody, I have read the ebook from jim wendler about 5/3/1 (the first one I think) and performed a full cycle of 4 weeks.
My current TM are like this :
- Press : 65kg (143 lbs)
- Deadlift : 166kg (365 lbs)
- Bench : 110kg (242 lbs)
- Squat : 157kg (345 lbs)
and I’m currently weighting 78kg (171lbs) around 12-13% bodyfat after doing nearly 3 years of gym with different routines including lyle mcdonald gbr recently (most of the time before I was doing a “bro split”…)
My template looks like this : (doing bbb sets on opposite days)
Monday :
- Press 5/3/1
- Chin-up 5x10 (but I don’t have enough strengh / recovery to do the 5 sets so most of the time I’m doing 10/9/6/5 then 2 lat pulldown sets to get my 50 reps)
- BBB Weighted Dips 5x10 (so many difficulties to end the final set)
- Face pull 3x15
Tuesday :
- Deadlift 5/3/1
- BBB Squat 5x10 @50% squat TM
- Leg curl 3x12
- Calves raises 5x10
- Abs (doing abs wheel 5x15)
Thursday :
- Bench 5/3/1
- Bent over rowing 5x10 (currently 60kg I don’t really know how much I should put)
- BBB Inclined bench press 5x10 @ 50% of bench TM
- Face pull 3x15
- Squat 5/3/1
- BBB Sldl 5x10 @ 50% deadlift TM
- Leg extensions 3x12
- Calves 5x10
- Abs (5 sets of obliques work)
When I have more time I can add a bit of arm isolation on monday and/or thursday just doing 2 sets of kickback and 2 sets of hammer curl
Questions because I didn’t find answer in the ebook :
Should I stay on chin up and try to do 5x10 with more rest currently for BBB sets I’m resting 2min in order not to stay too many time at the gym ? (I’m not even sure that with more rest I would be able to do the 5x10 anyway I have a very poor recovery between sets)
How to manage weight on lat exercises ? because I don’t have a main exercise to take “50 to 60%” of it, should I just add weight when 5x10 becomes easy ? (I’m scared that increasing weight will make me fail the 5x10), same question for weight increase on calves
How to manage weight for dips ? again there is the 50% idea, but I don’t have TM for dips as there is no “dip day”… I know that I can easily do 10 reps @25kg for 1 set (55 lbs) but even @10 kgs I cannot finish the 5x10 (always missing 1 or 2 reps in the final set… as for question 1, maybe I should take more rest)
Thanks for any answer and tip you can provide me (and don’t hesitate if I’m missing something on the workout) for now I find it very good for the 5/3/1 part, but I’m wondering if the 5x10 sets are heavy enough for “muscle mass” and how I should handle them.