Soy Soy everywhere…what effect does “hydrolized” soy have on a man?
I think you mean hydrolyzed-which means that it contains MSG. (Go to a list of all the allergic reactions to MSG). I can’t touch the stuff [MSG] without getting a nasty reaction. My face swells up and I look like I’ve been punched in the eyes. I wouldn’t think it was that bad until coworkers would stop me and ask what had happened to me. I finally figured out that it was in my sushi-my favorite meal. Now I really can’t eat anything out or pre-packaged as most everything contains MSG. It is in tons of ingredients and labled various things like YEAST EXTRACT, SODIUM CASEINATE, etc. That beef jerky on its own is great stuff-but with MSG I can’t go near it. But if you are not allergic to MSG then I doubt that hydrolyzed soy is any big worry.