Effects of MSG?

So I read a very disturbing article a friend gave to me the other day about MSG (monosodium glutamate) and the effects it can have on the body down the road. The article stated that fast absorbing proteins (hydroslate,isolates) carry MSG into the brain because they absorb so fast into the body. Is MSG really this bad? If its that bad how come older bodybuilders then arn’t effected by MSG (or are they) since they’ve consumed so much protein during their life time.

I love MSG, makes my chinese takeout taste so good.

On a more serious note, as far as I can tell there haven’t been human studies showing that it’s terrible however there is a large body of anecdotal evidence with people getting ‘chinese restaurant syndrome’ and such. I think its still up in the air - scientists aren’t agreeing or even close to agreeing from what I’ve read.

No idea about the hydrolysate theory though, sorry.

I try to stay away from MSG, I treat it the same way as aspertame and the dangers of consuming that.

MSG is basically used to “enhance” flavor and help keep processed foods from rotting quickly (so thats why my McDonald fries never rot).

Plus, most foods that has MSG in it such as fast food, potato chips, and snack foods I shouldn’t be eating anyways.

Eat at your own risk.

I agree with PPself (wtf?) . I watch for it …and avoid it most of the time . it’s not a normal content of what most here would consider to be a “healthy diet”.

will I lose sleep if I eat a sausage containing msg ?


[quote]biglift88 wrote:
If its that bad how come older bodybuilders then arn’t effected by MSG (or are they) since they’ve consumed so much protein during their life time.

protein doesn’t contain any msg, if that is what you are asking. it is added into certain foods and acts as a flavor enhancer.

[quote]ktennies wrote:
biglift88 wrote:
If its that bad how come older bodybuilders then arn’t effected by MSG (or are they) since they’ve consumed so much protein during their life time.

protein doesn’t contain any msg, if that is what you are asking. it is added into certain foods and acts as a flavor enhancer.[/quote]

The article stated that all hydrolized proteins contain MSG. It also stated that MSG is produced by the breakdown of protein. Is there any truth to these statements?

[quote]biglift88 wrote:
ktennies wrote:
biglift88 wrote:
If its that bad how come older bodybuilders then arn’t effected by MSG (or are they) since they’ve consumed so much protein during their life time.

protein doesn’t contain any msg, if that is what you are asking. it is added into certain foods and acts as a flavor enhancer.

The article stated that all hydrolized proteins contain MSG. It also stated that MSG is produced by the breakdown of protein. Is there any truth to these statements?[/quote]

i am about 95% sure that isn’t true. i think hydrolyzed proteins are just proteins treated with enzymes so they are “pre-digested” when they enter the body, enabling them to enter the bloodstream quicker.

i do not know the answer for sure though. do you have a link to the article by chance?

actually i did a search and it appears you may be correct (my bad!).


i do not know what this means or what the potential consequences could be…

I’ll be honest. I fail to see how glutamic acid = msg.

EDIT: I’ve done some reading; it doesnt equate to one another however with the addition of sodium it does. Apparently ‘hydrolyzed protein’ is protein that has been broken down into component amino acids. Therefore, the free gluatmic acid can bind to sodium, creating MSG.

So, glutamic acid + sodium = MSG.

I’m surprised that i’ve never heard of this before. Further, i was unaware the hydrolyzing proteins broke them down into component aminoacids; didnt realize it broke them down that far. Though, i’ll be honest - had no idea really what it did apart from speed absorbtion time. Regardless, in around 100g of whey i believe that there could be perhaps 14-15g of glutamic acid. Further, i THINK that half of that is glutamine in truth, so around 7.5g of glutamic acid. So if there was enough sodium hanging around (I can’t be bothered working out the organic chem, its 2:30 AM) and it all reacted one could get a boatload of msg… theoretically. However, my protein powders dont often taste particularly salty. Or ‘meaty / savoury’ like MSG. Would be niec to get a proper statement on it but all in all i doubt it’s something to be seriously worried about.

Sorry for long post that sort of rambles.

[quote]ppself wrote:
I try to stay away from MSG, I treat it the same way as aspertame and the dangers of consuming that.

MSG is basically used to “enhance” flavor and help keep processed foods from rotting quickly (so thats why my McDonald fries never rot).

Plus, most foods that has MSG in it such as fast food, potato chips, and snack foods I shouldn’t be eating anyways.

Eat at your own risk.[/quote]

Amazing then that the population of Japan hasn’t keeled over. Any seaweed is going to be full of it. MSG was discovered from kombu seaweed, which we use to make soup stock.