Found this forum about a week ago and have been lurking and reading and decided to finally post. This is an awesome site, very impressed with the amazing amount of information here.
My situation is I’ve been weight training since early March and have seem some amazing gains. I’m not a total noob, I did lift weights regularly for about 16 months about 5 years ago, but with no formal training I never got the results I expected. I’ve always been a regular cardio trainer.
Fast forward to now after 4 months with a personal trainer and have really made some great gains. I am 36 years old, 5’6 and 180lbs, back in march I was 209 lbs and have lost the weight from good diet and of course weight lifting I lost 4 inches on my waist alone, have improved my posture and my overall strength has increased a few hundred percent at least. I hit the weights about 3-4 days a week and do cardo on the other days with a day of total rest.
I’m looking to take things up a notch, I still have a spare tire I wanna get rid of and would like to well…get ripped. Right now I’m starting to look defined, people are making comments at how good I look, etc and I feel strong.
Basically I’m a mesomorph body type, maybe with a little endomorph mixed in, so weight loss is difficult, but muscle gain is not but obviously I need to burn fat. Also I wanna really build my chest, this is the “weak” part of my body that is the hardest for me to build. All other muscle groups are gaining nicely, but chest has been lagging for me.
I’m also waiting on the results from a 18-panel blood test, the whole shabang…testosterone, estrogen, Gh, thyroid…etc, very interested to see the results.
Now I’m really not expecting any of the results to be “abnormal.” I dont think I could have made the gains I have in 3-4 months with low t-levels, but we’ll see. Depending on where they come in I may be a candidate for HRT (says my doctor).
Either way I’d like to boost my testosterone a little to burn as much fat as possible, so right now I’m looking at OTC supplements. I just ordered Alpha Male and REZ-V, I also take CLA, drink protein shakes and take fish oil capsules everyday. I have a very healthy diet, lottsa protein and whole foods, complex carbs, veggies and lean meats.
I’m not sure if I want to juice, but it’s an option depending on the test results, which I have not received yet. Still unclear on the ramifications of it, but am learning reading this site. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with wanting to have the t-levels of a 21 year old.
That’s it, any input is appreciated.