Should I Start?

Hi guys, I have been a long time reader of T-Nation juice forums. I can see that a lot of you know quite a bit more than me.

For a little background on me, I played football for my highschool and started on the O-Line. Due to injuries and the need for cash flow I quit and basically learned everything I could(Still learning). I hit the gym 6 days a week. Cardio 3 days/week…weights 6/week. I’ve been working out for 2 years straight with bodybuilders.

The point here is that I’m 18, 5’10 180lbs straight. I’m decently strong but gains and intensity are just hard to achieve at the present moment. I’m not an avid fan of any “legal” supplements as I do not feel that they are bang for buck worth your money. I have a supplier, pct, a plan, and the money. Should I do it? Is it too much of a risk for the results I can get?

I know all about nutrition and the things I should eat. Just want some suggestions or flames, either way advice will help.

At 18?!?! No, you should not start. It’s a personal decision for everyone but until you’re at least 30 with over 5 years consistent training you need to think long and hard before you risk screwing with your hormonal system. Besides, are you not at least a little curious about what you can accomplish naturally?

Don’t be a tool… At 18, you already have all the test you need in your body.




Juice can wait a decade.

edit …

I’m guessing the volume of work you are doing is just crazy.

6 Days a week is way too much.

Try a good powerlifting routine like Westside or Westside for Skinny Bastards. Eat tons, train hard and train SMART.

If you post your diet and routine, you’ll probably get several suggestions.

I agree with our bro’s, but shit, I did my first cycle, albeit small, at 19, and went from a puny 155 to 184 in 30 days. As soon as I stopped the juice, I lost about 16 lbs! And was also left with gyno!

Dude, if you’re already as dedicated as you say, you still are building your foundation. You state you’re getting stale or something to that effect, you are more than likely in a severe state of overtraining, judging by your workouts. Cut back a couple of days, keep up the intensity and calories, and you should Grow! Use that cheap testosterone that’s floating around in ya already!

I second 4ests recomendation to try some Westside! You will build a friggin’ solid base with it. Also, you’re approximately 180 lbs, and you played O line? Were you heavier before, or was it just a small school? I know my senior year, we were all puny. I was the 5th heaviest guy on the team at 155, the heaviest was 191!

Just so ya know, since I’ve been training with Westside principles, my BW when I switched from BB type to PL movements and rep and set schemes went from 205 to 231 without steroids. Since this past summer, I have went as high as 249 on primo’s, and test E, and just started a bit of d-bol. My pic I was 247 in the am on medical scales, without clothes. Thats just a little plug for the westside system!!!

I have to agree and say no, because I was in your same exact position before.

First of all, it’s a personal decision, no one should ever tell you when is the right time to start. Once you feel 100%, go for it. You are asking for advice cause you know you aren’t really to that point yet.

I was exactly like you at 18. I would train 6 days a week and kill myself in the gym and even go when I was tired and beat down. STOP GOING SO MUCH. You don’t grow in the gym, you grow in the kitchen and while you sleep.

Start working out 4 days a week and hit it really f’in hard when you go, bro! Eat like a champ all day every day.

Agreed. Teens and gear don’t mix. Don’t be so quick to give in. It takes years to develop a quality build. Wait till you’re nearing your genetic maxim before using gear

I wouldn’t if I were you seeing as how you may have another growth spurt left in you. Don’t wanna fuck that up.

I played for 5A highschool in LA @ 240 lbs. We made it to the state semi’s. Once I quit I got tired of being the fat kid and decided to drop weight. Over 3 months I dropped 70 lbs and looked anorexic, which is when I hit the gym.

Workouts normally last between 1-1 1/2 hours.

Sunday - Shoulders/Traps
Monday - Chest workout 1
Tuesday - Bi/Tri
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - Back
Friday - Chest workout 2
Saturday - Legs

Cardio is a 7-8minute mile on treadmill Monday/Wed/Friday

Diet goes something like this.

Morning meal - Protein drink(8oz milk/2 scoops whey protein/5 raw egg whites/Flax Seed) + 1 1/2 cups oatmeal in milk

11oclock - 4oz Tunafish + 5-10 crackers(no salt) + Banana

3oclock - 4oz tunafish + Cracker(no salt) + Nature Valley Oat bar

6-7oclock - 1-2 chicken breast on 9grain bread

Post work-out meal - Protein drink + Chicken breast about an hour later

I go to bed at 11 and wakeup at 7:30 every morning.

When I wake up in the middle of the night - Handful of grapes

In between at least one of these meals I eat a handful of almonds.

Multi-vitamin in AM and PM

If you need anymore information just ask.

As before, flames or information is appreciated.

Good for the weight oss, but like I said before, WAYYYYYY too much for a natural trainer. Cut back on the days per week, and usually, your intensity will be more, your focus will be enhanced, and for god’s sake, eat more! My dog gets more calories than that! Your food log is clean, at least, just add in 2 meals more or so. Once a week for the large muscle groups is plenty!

Where are the vegie’s? Not hand full of grapes middle of the night PROTEIN. Not enough protein in general. Check out
(I think) to total up your caloric intake. Agree with everyone else Way over-trained. No juice at this time.

I’m gonna actually go ahead and give the op full credit on his post. He had taken the time to study cycling, PCT, find a guaranteed source and still take the time to ask the opinion of those more experienced than himself. I give you full props on being an intelligent person. I think just from this that you have far to go in the health and fitness world, and in the world itself since you are willing to learn.

I reccomend WS4SB myself. I think that would be a good way for you to bulk up and get the rest time that you need. Its not time to add juice, yet. Keep working hard for the next 7+ years and you will go past your current goals. Then we will be here to help you achieve your next set of goals.

Dudeee… dont even think about it. Im in the same situation. Im 19, 185 Lbs and i work at gym with some big guys. My boss who I work out with often is 285lbs right now and preping for a contesting. Its frustrating working out with guys when your deadlifting 3 plates, while they are doing 5-6.

I looked a juice… I’ve access like crazy, but its just stupid to even consider at our age. I wont look at it for atleast 5 years.

[quote]TrainerinDC wrote:
I’m gonna actually go ahead and give the op full credit on his post. He had taken the time to study cycling, PCT, find a guaranteed source and still take the time to ask the opinion of those more experienced than himself. I give you full props on being an intelligent person. I think just from this that you have far to go in the health and fitness world, and in the world itself since you are willing to learn.

I reccomend WS4SB myself. I think that would be a good way for you to bulk up and get the rest time that you need. Its not time to add juice, yet. Keep working hard for the next 7+ years and you will go past your current goals. Then we will be here to help you achieve your next set of goals. [/quote]

Ditto, DC!

[quote]Green-Man wrote:
Dudeee… dont even think about it. Im in the same situation. Im 19, 185 Lbs and i work at gym with some big guys. My boss who I work out with often is 285lbs right now and preping for a contesting. Its frustrating working out with guys when your deadlifting 3 plates, while they are doing 5-6.

I looked a juice… I’ve access like crazy, but its just stupid to even consider at our age. I wont look at it for atleast 5 years.


You’re doin’ the right thing. Good advice, and 3 plates ain’t bad at your age bro! Keep it up!

BAAAAAAD idea, kiddo. Statistically speaking, your growth plates are still functional, don’t screw that up. Oh yea, the prior gyno issues you have, and your age are enough to make you wait 5 years at least. Unless of course, you want plastic surgery and to find a doctor to put you on HRT for the rest of your life. And of course there’s that little issue of possession of steroids, you want to be a felon too? West Side for skinny bastards will change your life man. I remember at 18 patience was not a virtue I had either, I wish I would have listened to the advice of my elders… I hope you will.


Good job resurrecting this antique thread.