To the lifters that are experiencing disk injuries, soft or a little more harder, can you tell me if that prevent you from lifting heavy or u still hit pr’s with the problem going around?
Can someone with disc or spine problem still lift, what’s your personal experience? Is it something common in bodybuilding?
Also, do you believe if using lighter weight in case i want to prevent a disc injury can still help me build monstrous muscle, I mean leg and butt hypertrophy or just heavy ?
It’ been 31 years since I bulged my first disc. Now I have two completely degenerated and flat and 1 bulging. I have lumbar canal/foraminal stenosis also. But I don’t think I have went longer than 2 days without training in 30 years.
Read. Watch youtube vids. Read more. T-nation, Louie Simmons, Athleanx, etc.
Right now I am dabbling with Waterbury’s 10x3 on deads and squats in order to keep the load down, but I routinely do farmer’s walk, sandbag loads, log clean and presses.
Don’t get discouraged. The bad times pass. You are better off working the shit out of it and occasionally getting a re-injury than letting it get weak.
Proper diagnosis is key. Find what is weak and make it strong.
You can still get bigger, faster, and stronger.
Specifically, I do legs curl and low back work before any real lifting for the warmup. Lots of ab work. Ab wheel on lower body days and other days I do an core circuit of 10-12 core exercises, 10 reps each. If you have access to a prowler, it is gold for legs and ass plus it won’t bother your back.
Thank you so much for the detailed answer, first I want to say that you’re a heroe and congrats for dealing with all that and still didn’t stop you on the contrary just made you stronger and better.
What’s going on with me is that I went to a doc he said I have a starting stenosis and not to lift ever again
I instantly visited another doctor (specialist in athletes etc) and after seeing the facts and examinations etc he told me that there’s not such thing that’s going in with me I have nothing everything is ok just I’m tired from all this activity (I haven’t stopped lifting for 9 months with heavy almost every day unfortunately I was stupid enough to do this) and just relax for a little time, then I went to another doc said the same things that nothing like that is going on so what I’m trying ti find out now is how to prevent everything as the first doctor really scared the fuck out me.
So abs, core, leg curls and low back work!
I want to ask u are u an athlete or u lift for hobby?
This might be stupid of me, but I rarley ever do deadlift.
I do squat often.
I do leg curl.
Bench press… literally everything but not deadlift.
I often feel that squatting heawy hits my back a little too.
I just saw way too many people get injured during deadlift to feel comfortable doing it.
I know how to do it properly, I take my time to warm up, I’m not going too heawy on it… just I don’t ever feel comfortable doing it. And I also had sudden knee pain once during deadlift several years ago, that went away on it’s own with time.
So it is possible to lift without engaging your back too much.
No I believe that if u feel more comfortable and confident then u do the right thing not to harm yourself or not go to heavy to continue progress and going to the gym!
True, or not going all out and exhaust yourself too much.
I think that I could go to gym more often, but train with less intensity.
I’ll do some research and then try it out to see how my body responds.
“Don’t lift ever again, sit as much as possible & I’ll sell you Vicodin as a ‘solution’ “
^ that’s the Hippocratic oath right there