How to measure 5g of creatine

I dont have a food scale yet but my current bag of creatine does not have any scoop in it and I dont know how to measure out 5g. Some sources say 1 teaspoon of creatine = 5g but others say 1.4 teaspoons of creatine = 5g. How am I supposed to know which is correct?

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I use a teaspoon. My food scale will weigh it out and if level, it will be 5 grams.

This is a measuring teaspoon, not a spoon.


Current research indicates that 5 grams isn’t enough for a fully grown adult male (200 pounds or more).

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Get one of those little hang scales from the bong shop and weigh the baggie, then fill it till you have baggie + 5 grams of “creatine” :smirk:.


What is the recommended?

I used a calculator on a different website that recommended 8G for me at 210 lbs. Most of the current research hasn’t met standards to be published, like double blind trials and peer reviews, but guys like Huberman are saying 5G isn’t sufficient for larger humans, above some number, I forget which.

EDIT: Found a less controversial website - forgive me mods if it’s not acceptable.


$10 ?!?!

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If you ask MuscleTech it’s 100 grams a day with 75 grams of dextrose to “transport” it

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I’ll find ya one for a quarter at the flea market.

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I use my coke nail


A US nickel weighs five grams.

I used to carry a postage scale and a nickel with me for very similar purposes to the OP. It was an important part of establishing trust and agreeing that the postage scale was accurate.

So there’s your solution. For about $5.05 you can have a time-tested method of weighing out 5 grams of material. If you’re generous like I was, you can assume that the baggie weighs 0.5 grams.