Coach, Is it incorporating Ramping to 3rm on strength days enough for strength? Where to put Bench from pins on CAT, hypertrophy or strength day and should i do high intensity for few reps (come across all kinds of advice)?
Most of the time yes. But some might need a bit more volume. Not so much to build more, but to work on technical efficiency under heavy loads.
For example, ramp to a 3RM then do 2-3 sets of 3 with 90-92% of that 3RM.
It could be periodized:
Week 1: Ramp to 3RM
Week 2: Ramp to 3RM, 1 x 3 @ 90-92.5% of 3RM
Week 3: Ramp to 3RM, 2 x 3 @ 90-92.5% of 3RM
Week 4: Ramp to 3RM, 3 x 3 @ 90-92.5% of 3RM
Back to week 1 (could even switch the 3RM for a 2RM)
I wouldn’t use lifts from pins with CAT (trying to explode from the pins). I find that too had on the tendons and muscle and can easily get you injured.
If you want to do CAT with a strong concentric focus, do paused lifting: e.g. lower the bar down to the chest (or 1" from the chest) pause for 2-3 seconds while staying tight, then explode. The difference is that with paused lifting you are under tension before you explode. From pins, the muscles are relaxed. And going from relaxed to violently explosive can lead to injuries.
Lift from pins is best done for strength. Depending on your goal, it can either done for the full range (pins at chest level), which is useful to fix a weak start. Or around your weak point to address that weak point specifically.
I like your Ramp Up 1,2,3… rm routine.I’m doing 3 rm like you said in answer for BP,SQ. What about doing it with 5 rm for Dealift a bit of hypertrophy and strength?
Cycle 3 week on 1 week off
week 1,2,3:
week1 60/5 65/5 70/5 75/5 80/5 85/Amrap
week2 60/5 65/5 70/5 75/5 80/5 85/Amrap
week3 60/5 65/5 70/5 75/5 80/5 85/Amrap
week4 Off
New cycle with new 1 rm
I’d probably do the 5s more on lifts like squats and bench and 3s with deadlift to be honest. OR use the 5s with the trap bar deadlift. I find that 5s with traditional deads might more likely lead to poor form than on the other basic strength lifts
Im gona do Ramp like you said coach.
But is this too much sets?
Workout 1 7x3 60/3 65/3 70/3 75/3 80/3 85/3 90/3 stop although my 90% is tough 4 reps.
Workout 2 8x3 add 2 kg to 90% and do 3 reps.
Workout 3 9x3 add 2 more kg and do one more set of 3.
Or should do like you said 1x3,2x3,3x3 at 90% of 3rm.
No, that’s pretty typical for a ramp. The key is, on the ramp up (easier sets), try to accelerate the weight as much as possible during the concentric/lifting portion.