I want to get strong in the squat, bench and deadlift by training them in the 1-5 rep range but also want size while training with H.I.T principles where i only do 1 set per exercise since the same muscle damage achieved in multiple sets can be achieved in 1 and since the same stress on the CNS in multiple sets can be achieved in 1
I also would like to add some accessories
Maybe a squat day(squat for strength + leg accesories), bench day(bench for strength and chest, shoulder & tricep accessories) and deadlift day(deadlift for strength and back & biceo accessories) would be good
Or maybe biceps at the end of the squat day to allow for some active recovery of the biceps via the deadlift day. Yeah, i think that’ll be good
You may think H.I.T training already gives good strength gains but it gives good strength gains in that 8-10 rep range. Training in the 1-5 rep range you’d be suprised how much weigth you can move.
5s are king since they most likely translate to increase singles and doubles and stuff but i think its best to start out with 2s and then as soon as a hit a 6th reo i should increase he weight so i can do 2s. Maybe not single since if i figure out a weight i can do 1 heavy rep with and cant do a second rep then maybe on a bad day i may not be able to get that rep or i may only be able to get that on a good day.
A chest, shoulder, tricep workout would take a week to recover for most people but benching every week maximally at low reps would lead to overtraining for most people since a week wouldnt be enough recovery time.
By low reps i know 1-3 reps definitley wont allow recovery. Im not sure about 4 or 5 reps.
This is perplexing. Literally no idea how i should do it.
Maybe i shouldntwork my strength maximally. To the point where it’ll just recover like in a week along with my chest, shoulder and tricep assistance.
Literally a bad idea to do it maximally and wait idk 10 days and then do a chest, shoulder tricep workout with the bench work maximally at the start because to get to the point where my chest, shoudler and triceps recover in 10 days i would need to work them harder than one set to absolute failure which would be bad since that would mean I’m working my muscle to the point where it spends more of its recovery resources on recovery rather than growhr thus making me grow less
Maybe i could do my chest, shoulder tricep workout eveyr week and my bench every 10days. Obviously the bench work would provide some muscle damage and stimulate some muscle growth. Idk how much so i maybe would have to cut back on my chest work a bit. Like dorian would do tricep for 2 forced reps instead of going to absolute failure due to triceps being involved in chest and shoulders a lot
Literally no idea how to do
Save me
Maybe give some pointers
Im dying over here
But trust. You would get a lot less weight with 1-5 reps than you would expect if youve just been doing 8-10 reps. I know this because i got it from marty gallagher(powerlifting coach of ed coan and kirk karwoski)
Hes fantastic. You can find him by typing in marty gallagher on google and he publishes articles on a website called raw iron company. Just type in marty gallgher rep ranges or something. It’ll come up. You’ll see in the examples he gives how much the weight can differ.