Hello T Nation,
Just wanted to say first I have been reading articles and the forums on this site for years and they have helped changed my life so I decided to finally make an account.
Been working out for the past 5 years but the last 2 I have gotten more serious about lifting. I have done some programs on this site like Christian Thibaudeau’s 915 and athlete lean athlete strong. Made some good progress on both. I want to now design my own program with what some people may call it powerbuilding which is a mixture of powerlifting and bodybuilding. I don’t wanna be all show and no go.
I am having trouble knowing when to increase weight, when to test for new maxes or what sort of progression scheme to use, etc. I like to use linear periodization based on percentages. It holds me accountable for the work I have to do for that lift and it takes all the guesswork out of the equation which I also like. I made a layout of a program but dont know how to set up a progression model for the big lifts. I would ideally like to improve my 3rm as that is more important than a 1rm for a non competitive lifter.
So here is the basic layout of what I have made up. For the assisstance exercises I just use a weight thats as heavy as possible with good form and bar speed. The other isolation type movements I would do bodybuilding style keeping constant tension on the muscle and squeezing the shit out of it each rep feeling the contraction.
Bench/chest day
- Bench Press
5x3? or some sort of progression model - Pause Bench Press
3.Incline Bench Press
4.Hammer Strength Decline Press
5.Cable Crossover Flyes
3x12-15 - Wide Grip Dips
2x15-20 1xfailure
Deadlift/Back Day
- Deadlift
- Deficit Deadlift
4x6-8 - Pendlay Row
3x6-8 - Dumbell Row
4x10-12 - Pull-ups
6.Dumbell Pull-Over
3x12-15 - Shrugs (Might throw these on shoulder day if I’m beat by the time I get to these)
Military/Shoulder Day
- Military Press
- Push Press
4x6-8 - High Incline DB Press OR DB Shoulder Press
3x6-8 - Lateral Raises
5.Plate Raises
3x10-12 - Rear Delt Flyes OR Face Pulls
3x15-20 1xfail
Squat/Legs Day
- Squat
- Paused Squat
4x6-8 - Barbell Split Squat
3x6-8 - Romanian DL
5.Leg Press OR Hack Squat
6A. Leg Exten. 3x15-20
6B.Leg Curl 3x8
Arm day
Everyday…kidding but just a basic arm routine, 6 exercises going for a pump nothing crazy heavy.
So any suggestions on a progression model and or how to periodize the lifts? I know coach christian T says to use 3 week blocks in a training cycle and eventually prepare the body to use heavier weights so after 3 weeks I’d change and include some overload movements in my routine but basically I just need to find a progression model cause I do not know how those really work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading this long ass post.