Week ten, I’ve added 40 mg daily tbol to 300mg deca and 250 Cyp weekly. Also 50mg proviron daily. Monday will be 7 days on tbol. I read a lot that 40mg is too low? Please advise? I have plenty tbol, but want to be wise. I added 100mg of prop about 4weeks ago. I know it flew my libido and workouts up several notches. Is there any problems continuing the prop? How long should I do the prop? How long tbol? I was set on 6 weeks. Thank you
You really need to organize your post better. It’s a hot mess and hard to digest. Layout your actual cycle including length, compounds, dosages, and current week. What is your pre cycle physique like and your goals?
Last, as general rule of thumb more or higher dosages yield more results but come at a risk of side effects and risks to overall health. I don’t recommend dosages to anybody as a personal point of preference and responsibility, but I can tell you 40mg is a common mid range.
Totally confused.
For 10 weeks I have used 300mg deca and 250 cyp with 50mg proviron daily. At week 6 I added 100mg prop.
Now week eleven I added 40mg Tbol daily. Week 11 ends tomorrow.
I am staying on 20 weeks, bloods are good!
Wondering if I should bump the Tbol up to 60mg?
Should I continue the prop? How long?
I typically run Tbol at 60-80mg/day
For what reason did you add it? Nine more weeks of pinning ED or EOD will not be fun.
Personally the only time i would run a short ester is at the beginning of a cycle to get faster blood saturation or during contest prep so I can pull it a week or so prior to stage.
I added the prop under suggestion of a trainer just for an extra kick. I agree with you completely on starting with prop. I had a bottle 10ml so I just tossed it in. It did boost my libido and workouts through the roof, and I was already crushing on both, now I’m like a 20 year old in that area. I was mixing the prop with the cyp, and pinning twice a week 84 hours apart to keep levels as balanced as possible. Saturday 9am and Tuesday 9pm. I was under the advisement that the cyp would carry the prop and I wouldn’t have to pin more? Is this incorrect?
Understood, I think I will bump up to Tbol 60mg. Is 6 weeks good on the Tbol?
Thank you
I have never heard this before. The different esters will still cleave off at the rate they are intended to. That being said I would pin prop ED or EOD to keep it steady but some guys do great with fluctuating hormones.
6 weeks is fine. I wouldn’t run orals for more than 5-6 though. Make sure you are alo using an organ protection product(s)
Understood. So I have probably 5 cc of prop left. I have 2 more bottles I will save and use better. Got them free from Naps. Should I do .25 EOD with the remainder of that bottle, or possibly .5? But good golly I would swell up.
Also, I have a small mass near one of my nipples, definitely not gyno. I only found because I got stung by insect near there a month ago, and while inspecting the area I felt the mass, like a pea size at most. I suppose I will have an MRI, but I upped my Arimidex to EOD for a couple weeks, and it seems to have diminished the mass some, definitely softer and no pain. BUT, I don’t really want to take that much Arimidex. Do you have any advice on this front?
I know this is a lot. And I am grateful for your time and input. Thank you good sir.
For possible gyno you can take nolvadex 40mg/day for a week or two and it should diminish. Nolva works directly in the breast tissue.
You need to watch out with the arimidex as you can crash your estrogen and that makes you feel like shit.
Personally I use aromasin. It’s very mild and is a suicide AI which means it stops conversion instead of lowering estrogen after it is converted. You still need to find the right balance so it allows for some conversion but it’s much more easy to dial in IMO.
I still always keep arimidex on hand but mostly use the aromasin.
I like the logic behind the aromasin, makes sense. It is not gyno. It’s like an inch from my nipple, no swelling. I need to have it looked at. I do have nolva on deck for pct. I think I’ll drop Arimidex to twice a week. With gyno, is there some signals that it would be starting? I feel great!.. but I don’t want be compromising my good estrogen level. I am just terrified of gyno though.
So, running the prop with the cyp at this point in the cycle is not beneficial? I was looking for an extra kick, but I know starting with prop is wise. What if I did the prop for 4 weeks eod at .5 a pin?
Typically you would feel a small hard lump around or under the nipple.
For me it was a swelling of the gland. I had surgery to have them removed.
You just have to keep an eye on it. If you think it’s formaing you can go to the doc and get an ultrasound to verify. Then either let them know how “painful” it is and have it removed or hit the nolva for a couple weeks. Not really any other solutions.
Totally your call. Doing this will likely increase estrogen conversion and the possibility of developing gyno. Personally I would just start the Tbol and run that for 5-6 weeks. That will be your kick.
I would get bloods done if I were you so that you know with this combination of drugs and AI where your estrogen sits. Then you will have this info for the future.
I can take Nolva while I’m on cycle? How much would I take?
For gyno, yes. It will block/reduce estrogen at breast receptor sites.
See above
I have read taking Nolva on cycle suggestions ranging from 10mg EOD up to 20mg ED. What is your suggestion? I know we are all different and we have to find our own sweet spots. Thank you
Typical starting dose as i’ve stated above would be 40mg/day for gyno flare up. Lower doses would be used if you wanted to control the estrogen receptors at the breast site.
If you want to try less be my guest.