The plan is to incorporate these two (trenbolone injectable and test. prop) in a classic 2on/4off cycle, while maximizing muscle and strength gains. Now, I know Bill R. has generally said that 1.7 grams per week is the uppermost threshold for short-cycles, so in keeping with those guidelines I was wondering what would be the maximum way to stack these two for two weeks? In addition, should arimidex be incorporated into this cycle and if so how…during the “on” weeks or the ensuing 4 “off” weeks. Would this cycle be more effective with the addition of winstrol and if so how? Would all three be taken with a loading dose on day 1 to get levels up? Concerning the arimidex, if it is used it has been recommended that one take 1/4 a tab every 4-5 days. Is this 1/4 of a 1mg tab, or 1/4 of a .25mg tab? I am assuming that it is the former but just wanted to be sure. Clomid during the “on” weeks or just during the “off weeks”?
your gonna be a pin cushion, but here’s my opinion. 300mg of prop. + 225mg tren on day 1. then 100 mg a day of prop. w/ 75 mg of tren e/d. keep the armidex on hand, but I doubt you’ll have an estrogen prob on a 2-weeker. clomid should be post cycle only because it generally takes the body 2 weeks to recognize the overabundance of T and slow natural production. Use 100mg(2 tabs) of clomid a day the first week off, then 50 mg the 2nd week. follow it up w/ some tribex, then repeat. Just curious, but this isn’t going to be your first cycle is it?
A reasonable level for test. prop is 75-150mg/day, loading with 3-4 times that dose. Adding the winstrol at 50mg a day will help to saturate whatever class 2 pathways the test. does not cover, so it complements it nicely. Finally, tren will cover you concerning your androgen receptors. Pretty potent setup. Just make sure you are taking clomid throughout due to the aromatization of the test.
I was thinking of using the same things but staying closer to the gram per week mark. I was thinking clomid 50mg eod throughout then 100mg ed week 3 and 50mg ed week 4. Couldn’t I just shoot eod?
I was thinking of using the same things but staying closer to the gram per week mark. I was thinking clomid 50mg eod throughout then 100mg ed week 3 and 50mg ed week 4. Couldn’t I just shoot eod?
Thanks for all the input, but can someone clarify whether arimidex will be needed and if so how many mg’s every 4th day??? The reason I ask is that arimidex comes in 1mg and .25mg tabs, and previously it has been stated that one should take 1/4 a tab every four days…is this 1/4 of a 1mg tab or 1/4 of a .25mg tab?
I’ve been out of town on an unexpected emergency so haven’t been able to be on the Forum. Everyone’s advice below is good, I just wanted to add that I never said, let alone generally, that 1.7 grams per week is a particular figure for any kind of cycle. For anyone except someone who has just plateau’d out at the 1 gram per week level, that is higher than necessary.
Generally, for fast gains, one gram per week
or not that much more, which means that if
you’re taking 3 things, let’s say, and the
total dose comes up to 1.3 grams per week
when each item is a value you like, don’t worry about it… but if say 1.5 grams or over then seriously think about cutting back.
I probably did have 1.7 grams per week in some previous post though, in a case where the cycle was mostly Primo-based and so I felt like since the 1 gram of Primo “counts” for a little less, even though the total was 1.7, it was still a “sane” dosage.
Would it be alright to use tren. acetate for the loading dose on day 1 and then switch to Parabolan for the duration of the cycle? If so, how often should the Parabolan be injected…every day or EOD?
Parabolan (or more precisely, trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate: Parabolan is a brand no longer available of that steroid) is not suitable for use in a brief alternating cycle, except perhaps with a single injection on day 1, which might be limited to only around 228
mg. The reason is that its half life is probably around 6 days, comparable probably to a cypionate ester.
Thanks for the info, Bill. So with the exception to the loading dose on day 1 (228 or so mg’s, as you suggested), could trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate be used at 58 or so mg’s for days 2, 3, and possibly 4, and THEN switch to tren. acetate for days 5-10. The only reason I bring this up is that I only have 5mg’s of GAC Tren. Acetate left, but plenty of his Parabolan and would like the best way to incorporate them into a short cycle. Are you saying I would be much better off using the Para in a longer cycle? If so please offer suggestions.
Just to reiterate, can anybody answer the following question that I originally posted concerning arimidex with this type of a short cycle? If it is used it has been recommended that one take 1/4 a tab every 4-5 days. Is this 1/4 of a 1mg tab, or 1/4 of a .25mg tab? I am assuming that it is the former but just wanted to be sure.
Dirk, no, I think that if you used more trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate past the 228 mg, you’d have too much in week 3 to accomodate the intent of a short cycle. If you would like to use up your GAC stuff, I’d suggest just switching to a traditional longer cycle. Somewhere around 350 mg/week would
be very appropriate (stacked with a Class II as well), and an 8 week duration would be good.
And racer, it’s 1/4 of a mg for Arimidex, or 1/4 of a 1 mg tab.