Tbol and Var Cycle Info

I have read a good post on here about turanabol orals and.
I am thinking of running a var and tbol @ 40mg e/d =6 wks both var and tbol
nolva 100mg day 1 -d 2 =80 so on to 20 mg up to 3 weeks
Then hcg 500iu ed 7 days.
I would like peoples experience of this cycle if any.
Also what are the pumps like on Tbol.
Not keen if they are to bad to train.
I have never seen this cycle is there good reason apart from liver probs. I have liver protection.

Hey hey…no help for the Var/Tbol stack, but I’ve taken Var and loved it. No sides that interfered with training at tall, but again, never taken Tbol.

Regarding your PCT, AR’s PCT article (on mesomorphosis.com, I think) talks about mega doses of Nolva(100mg for example) to be no more effective than a lower dose-20mg. I could be wrong, I could have misread but either way check it out.

[quote]headcrazy wrote:
I have read a good post on here about turanabol orals and.
I am thinking of running a var and tbol @ 40mg e/d =6 wks both var and tbol
nolva 100mg day 1 -d 2 =80 so on to 20 mg up to 3 weeks
Then hcg 500iu ed 7 days.
I would like peoples experience of this cycle if any.
Also what are the pumps like on Tbol.
Not keen if they are to bad to train.
I have never seen this cycle is there good reason apart from liver probs. I have liver protection.

you don’t need HGC with TBOL/VAR
and also you don’t need so much nolva.
Stick on 40/20/10 mg/ED (week1/2/3)

by VAR+TBOL experience was very instresting (IMO). I have used 90mg VAR/DIE +40mg TBOL/ED
(6 weeks)

[quote]cadav wrote:
you don’t need HGC with TBOL/VAR
and also you don’t need so much nolva.
Stick on 40/20/10 mg/ED (week1/2/3)

by VAR+TBOL experience was very instresting (IMO). I have used 90mg VAR/DIE +40mg TBOL/ED
(6 weeks)

cadav, can you comment on why it was interesting?

headcrazy, for the pumps, it depends, but for most people, anywhere from 40-60mg per day will cause it. it really is not that much to worry about as you can just knock the dose down by a tab per day till you don’t feel it. nice thing with orals is they have a short half-life, not like shooting a long ester and having to wait over a week for it to clear if you take too much. with the var you can go higher on the dose, but 60-80mg per day usually gives nice results.

on the low end, as little as 20mg of tbol and 30mg of var is a nice little plateau buster of performance enhancer for athletes not interested in mass.


Thanks for info on nolv.I am interested in looking at igf with nolva for pct. Too much for this small cycle shall i leave that for a bigger cycle later on in year.