How Long Do You Train?

I personally train up to 90 min. by myself in the off season. When I cycle for a meet it could be up to 2 or more hours depending on the amount of lifters that are also in gear. Some lifters that I know can only spend an hour training and feel that more than that is too long.
I typically warm up dynamically then do my work sets and accessory stuff unless I am training for a meet.


When I trained twice a week (DL & MP +assistance on Tue, SQ & BP + assistance on Fri)the sessions would typically be 2hrs to 2hrs 20min, after a 20min stretch. Hard, but you do what you have to do to fit in with having a famly/job/life.

Now I train 4-5 times a week I do ~1hr to 1.5hr, after a 20 min stretch and add 30 to 90 min cardio 2 to 4 times a week. Currently doing 5/3/1

Currently looks like this:
Morning cardio on an empty stomach:
3 days a week: 30mins
2 days a week: 15mins of intervals

Main Workouts
2 Max Effort Workouts: up to 90mins
2 RE Workouts: up to 90mins

4x/wk. total

60 - 75 min/day (warm-up included) for the 3 days in the gym

30 min for day 4 on the strongman course

4 days a week. Twice everyday; usuall adds up to 80-120 minutes. Try to keep each in an hour time frame.

LOL… I’ll be at the gym for ~ 3 hours on a DE day, and ~5 hours on a ME day.

While that’s time spent training, it’s also spent helping out, hanging out, eating, dicking around.

It’s a good time. hahaha

I train alone and work fairly briskly, but I usually take about an hour and a half.

If I was training with others it would most likely be different for me.

I’m never more than 50 mins. Usually 30-40mins. I dont feel I have the energy (despite consuming 1600 cals in protein and carb shakes in the workout period) for anything more. Im doing 531 and sometimes I’ll only do 3 exercises before I’ve had enough.

I’m never more than 50 mins. Usually 30-40mins. I dont feel I have the energy (despite consuming 1600 cals in protein and carb shakes in the workout period) for anything more. Im doing 531 and sometimes I’ll only do 3 exercises before I’ve had enough.

We had 7 lifters on Monday morning, all doing a squat tester due to a civic holiday. We all started around 10 and finished at around 1. It wasn’t a typical workout as we all seem to have gotten busy with life and so it was fun to get together with my club again. Lots of shit talking and kidding around mixed in with some knee wrapping.

Nice to do, but now I have to travel almost an hour one way. Time is precious lately. When my lady and I train it is almost a blistering pace but it still takes us a while. If only we would stop trying to kill each other with “finishers”.LOL


I’m on week 4 of my 14 week meet prep cycle, and every session of ME has been about 2-3 1/2 hours. my accessory days are usually over an hour.

Including everthing…conditioning, mobility, and training.
From 2 to 3-1/2 hr.

Including everthing…conditioning, mobility, and training.
From 2 to 3-1/2 hr.

Almost an hour exactly for raw training. With gear you can at least double that, except on accessory days.

I generally train anywhere from 45 mins to 2 hours on my own, including full warm up, but I have friends that lift both raw and equipped and their sessions usually go from 2-3 hours.

6.30-8.30 every night due to work finishing at 6 and gym closing at 8.30, then weekend trips to the strongman gym, probably lasts 3hours+ but about 1 hour of that is probably setting up fingals fingers, stones etc.

About an hour.

Alone, 45 minutes to an hour main sessions. For some reason I always peter out shortly after that. Any time after that is a complete waste, because I just can’t seem to give more, and my recovery goes for a shit aswell. I can go back to it later in the day and I’m fine for 2 hours a day like that (2 sessions of an hour each), but 2 hours straight just kills me.

yeah i never got these folks who say they train 45mins or 1 hour tops.
for me it’s 2-3 hours 3-4 days a week

I forgot to mention that I have been training 3 days a week lately. It still used to take me about the same amount of time when I was doing 4 days a week. I guess now I just use my time better. It does seem to keep me from getting as beat up.