Let me help you out.
STEP 1 - Do this routine for 12 weeks and don’t miss a single day. Only add weight when you can hit the written rep range.
Back Squat - 5x5
OH Press - 5x5
Barbell Rows - 5x10
Abs - 5x10
Curls - 5x10
Deadlift - 5x5
Bench Press - 5x5
Chin-Ups - 50 total reps
Dips - 5x10
Lunges - 5x10
Front Squat - 5x5
DB Press - 5x8
DB Row - 5x10
RDL - 5x10
Abs - 5x10
STEP 2 - Eat 3 meals a day. Each meal should have a protein source, carb source, fat source, and a TON of veggies.
STEP 3 - Pick 2 days a week and go run, play basketball, etc. Do something that gets your heart rate up and has you breathing hard.
STEP 4 - Don’t read ANYTHING online for these 12 weeks. Just do exactly what I wrote down! Don’t even post here or ask questions unless you posting videos to make sure your form looks good.
STEP 5 - I PROMISE that after 12 weeks you will be stronger, bigger, and in MUCH better shape then you are right now if you follow steps 1-4. Take it from a previous over-thinker. People were getting big and strong WAY before the internet was invented.