Starr's 5x5

I will be starting my first real “bulk” soon. I will be starting with the intermediate version of 5x5. I had success with this program before but diet was shit so hopefully I gain some decent mass with it this time around.

I know you are advised not to add a shit load of isolation work to a routine like 5x5 but I was thinking of something simple like weighted pull up super set with dip or BB curl superset with skull crushers. I will also be adding in G Force neck training so I would do them once or twice a week.

Should I try it for a few weeks and see what happens? Would it be best to add the arm/neck work on lifting days? Or on off days? I think off days would be best for my work and sleeping schedule but recovery is important also.

Shoulders are hit hard enough with rowing and benching so I am not worried about them.

My goal with starting my bulk with 5x5 is to get my big three number to where they were this time last year in 2-3 months. It can be done since my numbers were not that impressive, but I am 45 pounds less than I was last year.


If you don’t have faith in that routine, then simply don’t do it.

If you really think you can create a better routine yourself, then just do that. But I think it’s usually a bad idea to start combining routines and making significant modifications, especially to something tried and true like that one.

I have alot of faith in 5x5 but there is very little arm work.

I dont think those 2 super sets added in once a week will be too bad.

I lost 1.5" off my arms while cutting fat so I would love to see some gain in my arms haha.

It’s like I have seen this thread before.

If you’re doing the Madcow version, there is a ton of arm work on Friday, and you can add chinups on Wednesday. Why not give that a couple of months and see how it goes?

As I said, if you know of a better way to train than this coach, by all means make your own routine. Don’t fuck with somebody elses.