Aren’t these 5x5 routines more strength oriented than aesthetics? I would love a balance of both but many people say on a 5x5 routine, especially stronglifts, you’ll build more strength than muscles and it’s more like a powerlifter’s routine. I’ve been performing a one muscle a day split for the past 2 months now and someone said that I should switch to 5x5 as my compound lifts are weak. But, then again I see people saying that it’s more strength oriented and I also feel the same. Can someone please tell me a routine that is a balance of strength as well as aesthetics as I need both. I’m skinny, 16 yo , 118 pounds. The modification of SL 5X5 I’ve made is as follows:-
Monday:- SL 5X5 workout A + arms (barbell curls 36-8/chin ups, tripep push downs 38)
wednesday:- SL 5X5 workout B+ arms (conc. Curls, skull crushers, same rep and set range)
Thursday:- REST
friday:- SL 5X5 workout A+ arms (hammer curls, triceps dips, triceps extentions.
Someone also recommend me to shift all the arm workouts to one day instead of spliting it and doing it thrice. Also, instead of doing arms after SL workouts, what if I do them on rest periods? I’ll pick two for tris and two for bis…and on saturdays I’ll do abs… How does that sound?
I had to modify this routine since I don’t want to go for powerlifitng, I want strength, but I want it as much as I want aesthetics
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: How Does My Workout Program Sound?