How Do I Become Athletic?


Can you help?

I am a natural drug free bodybuilder, I have lived the lifestyle for 13 years and I have become bored.

I am extremely tight, I have poor shoulder and hip mobility, I am functioning weak, I have terrible glute activation, extremely poor core strength and when my gluteus do activate they misfire and my spinal erectors take most of the load.

My passion to step back on stage has diminished and I doubt I will be able to put my mind through the last four weeks of a prep again.

I have a two year old child who needs me and I want to be able to play for the rest of my life.

I wish to become more athletic

I want jump, run, be dynamic, agile, mobile and flexible.

Do you have any articles that can help me achieve this?

Please assume I am a beginner and know nothing on atheism.



Read through this series…

For great insight on overall athelticism read a bunch of Dan John articles…

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I strongly recommend: Westside for Skinny Bastards, Part III - Official Website of Joe DeFranco & DeFranco’s Gym!

For mobility, figure out what your biggest ROM deficits are and address those every session. Follow your stretching work up with some exercise to strengthen/stabilise the range of motion you just produced. Single-Arm bottoms-up KB press and Single-Leg RDL’s are excellent for this

To learn how to feel your glutes a bit more, I like to stand on one leg and contract my glutes as hard as possible with the following two cues:

  • Tuck my back pockets toward my knee (posteriorly tilt the pelvis hard)
  • posteriorly translate (slide) my thigh bone backwards
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I’d honestly just get out of the weight room for ~12 weeks and go to a track 3 days a week, do calisthenics, and play pick-up basketball. I think, if you’ve been lifting that long, it will be hard to change goals with the same tools.


Also, beginner yoga.

Agree 100%. Old habits die hard.

Or whatever sport you might’ve played before in your pre-bodybuilder days.


A good 5/3/1 template can help with this. Daily mobility, some pretty minimalistic lifting to just maintain or build strength on a couple key lifts, some bodyweight work to keep yourself honest about your weight, and conditioning a few times a week. Not for everyone, but it sounds like it could meet your needs.

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All the suggestions so far seem really good, and I’ve just started a similar path myself. There’s some goals I have that require better movement and conditioning but I don’t want to give up my small amount of strength.

I gave up the gym due to lockdown but have a barbell at home. I’m following a basic 531 routine every other day, basically main sets and widowmakers, followed by a circuit or a WOD. In between I’ll do some ready cardio, mainly cycling

I won’t blame Jim wendler for my lack of progress as he has specific routines for athleticism that I’m not following. But I’m having fun trying Grace, or going for a cycle. Btw my HR for my first go at Grace was stupidly high.

This could be difficult right now given the circumstances we’re all under, but for people in your situation one of the most effective things you can do is get in the swimming pool and move around as much as possible. All the other suggestions here are solid as well, but I would make the pool a priority especially for the first couple of months.

How about training like a athlete?

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Jeff Cavaliere intensifies

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We are at the unusual point where I agree with everyone. It will no doubt now go down a rabbit hole.

My suggestion was about a transition from what the OP knows to where he wants to go. Standen has mentioned a lot of traits, I guess he may need to look at what his specific goals are?

how did you become big/strong as a bodybuilder? You trained like one. You did the activities that bodybuilders do. You lifted weights.

how do you become an athlete? You train like one. You do the activities that athletes do. You run and play sports.

Thanks for your feedback, sometimes the simplest explanation is the best.