How Come We Never See Huge Zercher Lifts?

More ignoring of legitimate points made and insults thrown.

EDIT: holy shit, 3 posts in the 11 second it took for me to type that? You guys are animals.

Obviously, my post was directed at PX’s last post.

[quote]ouroboro_s wrote:

[quote]DJHT wrote:

[quote]ouroboro_s wrote:

[quote]DJHT wrote:

[quote]HeavyTriple wrote:

[quote]ouroboro_s wrote:

[quote]HeavyTriple wrote:

[quote]ouroboro_s wrote:

[quote]xjusticex2013x wrote:

[quote]TheBodyGuard wrote:

[quote]Stronghold wrote:

  1. Zerchers aren’t a good exercise FOR X PERSONALLY
  2. Zerchers are a great exercise FOR MANY OTHERS
  3. Some people who do Zerchers aren’t interested in looking like a bodybuilder
  4. Other people who do Zerchers are interested in looking like a bodybuilder and believe that Zerchers contribute to that goal
  5. Zerchers may or may not be a great tool for people with goals pertaining to size and strength

Any disagreement? Anyone?[/quote]


But the OP apologized to him![/quote]

More like a “no hard feelings” type of thing. Tensions seemed pretty high in this thread, and I just wanted to clarify that I didn’t hold any animosity. :stuck_out_tongue:

Tensions are always high. You should have seen how high strung everyone got when a guy posted a video of his friend/girl friend in powerful women. Now that was some good reading.

Does this thread still exist and what is the name? I love me some T-Nation classic threads…[/quote]

Get some popcorn ready. The fur really flew :)[/quote]

HAHA, that’s which one I thought it was. I read the first page and wow, popcorn indeed.

On another note, what the fucking fuck is going on in PW? I read some of Nikki’s log, and Jesus Christ are the claws out.[/quote]

Well sir are you married? Do you work with a large amount of women?

And yes that thread was a Zercher thread for sure. [/quote]

Hey, I resemble that remark!

Besides, how is that shit storm all that different from this one except that no one here got called a cunt?

It is not any different maam will not argue that at all.

My reference was to the fact that many, many men do not fully understand and never will the complexity and beauty of women. In my opinion I never care to learn, only how to avoid getting killed. :slight_smile: [/quote]

Good call on the last point :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: My wife is posting on here now, in the over 35 and I was going to suggest she start a log in the PW section. Now I am starting to have my doubts and maybe suggest just doing it in the over 35.

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
More ignoring of legitimate points made and insults thrown.[/quote]

Every point has been explained. Others seem to get it. You don’t. I don’t care if you don’t get it. Your opinion doesn’t matter. The opinion of people arguing just because I posted does not matter. Why do you think it does?

You even tried turning this into a meme thread earlier. You’ve run out of material.

[quote]DJHT wrote:

:slight_smile: My wife is posting on here now, in the over 35 and I was going to suggest she start a log in the PW section. Now I am starting to have my doubts and maybe suggest just doing it in the over 35.[/quote]

Your wife’s hot as fuck! Tell her to start it in SAMA!



[quote]pushharder wrote:

Aw shit, J, did you really have to do that? LOL ;-)[/quote]

I guess not but it really was super entertaining for those of us not embroiled in it. This thread isn’t quite up to the same standard.

This thread is now about the fact that women are fucking crazy.

I’ve heard they even do Zercher lifts.

Shakes head

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:

[quote]DJHT wrote:

:slight_smile: My wife is posting on here now, in the over 35 and I was going to suggest she start a log in the PW section. Now I am starting to have my doubts and maybe suggest just doing it in the over 35.[/quote]

Your wife’s hot as fuck! Tell her to start it in SAMA!



Hahahahahaha if you only knew. I guess you missed the comment in my log about SAMA and one lady going back and editing her comment?

Those PW threads were awesome reads… Talk about the whole “Pack Mentality”… Those ladies (and a guy or two) ganged up so fast that they other person didn’t stand a chance.

Personally I thought it was a lot of jealousy and bullshit but it was fun to read. People just like to try and shit on other people to make themselves feel better.

I dont get how this thread turned into such a giant clusterfuck…damn

[quote]pushharder wrote:

[quote]pbclax1 wrote:
I dont get how this thread turned into such a giant clusterfuck…damn[/quote]

It’s that fat fuck Al Gore’s fault. If he hadn’t invented the internet none of this booooshit coulda happened.

(I wish he’d wade into this thread 'bout now. We’d see some global warming fer shore)[/quote]

That picture is terrifying.

[quote]pushharder wrote:

[quote]pbclax1 wrote:
I dont get how this thread turned into such a giant clusterfuck…damn[/quote]

It’s that fat fuck Al Gore’s fault. If he hadn’t invented the internet none of this booooshit coulda happened.

(I wish he’d wade into this thread 'bout now. We’d see some global warming fer shore)[/quote]

Hmmmmmmm… look who is doing some hijacking :slight_smile:

[quote]imhungry wrote:

[quote]pushharder wrote:

[quote]pbclax1 wrote:
I dont get how this thread turned into such a giant clusterfuck…damn[/quote]

It’s that fat fuck Al Gore’s fault. If he hadn’t invented the internet none of this booooshit coulda happened.

(I wish he’d wade into this thread 'bout now. We’d see some global warming fer shore)[/quote]

Hmmmmmmm… look who is doing some hijacking :)[/quote]

Not only that, but he’s yet to comment on what fucking the missus is like in the “newly invented” zercher position!

And we all know he’s the kinda guy to report back immediately with such grave matters!

He’s slacking, for sure.

[quote]Professor X wrote:

[quote]Quick Ben wrote:

[quote]Professor X wrote:

[quote]Quick Ben wrote:
I like how both sides of this seemingly eternal struggle between Prof X (and posse) and Stronghold (and posse), seems to think the other side is entirely at fault.

Notice how the rest of us manage to disagree without turning it into some 15 page deathmatch? Some of you people have been here too long.

I never said the other side is entirely at fault. I said everyone posting still is…including YOU.

These fuckers do this in every single thread. They are just looking for shit to complain about at this point…which means I either deal with them coming after me all of the fucking time or quit posting.

It has NOTHING to do with what is actually written…which is why they don’t go after Iron Dwarf or anyone else saying the same things in this thread.

I am not at fault for responding in an off topic forum. They are at fault for turning me posting in an off topic forum into this same bullshit each and every time.

There are discussions that go on in the bodybuilding forum that do fine without all of this shit.


Yes I was referring to this thing that seems to go on constantly between you and a few other posters. It wrecks a lot of threads that might have been good reads.

Look I disagreed with your stance in this thread and I said so, I said it was dumb. That didn’t require a 4 page analysis of your personality and attacks on your character. So I agree with you there.

All I’m saying is: it’s been done and we’ve all watched it. Nobody minds a good e-fight, but fuck all these reruns.


I agree completely. That is why I keep saying they should put me on ignore if every fucking thing I write is so upsetting to them. They won’t.

They continue with this, and I personally am not going to let some jackasses run me off the forum for this just because they feel threatened…or whatever reason causes them to do this as if I alone am some major threat here.[/quote]

You should ignore everyone here. You are waaaaay too concerned with internet forums. Go outside and join the real world. Sitting in your parents’ basement all day posting and being pale will not improve your life, kid.

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:

[quote]imhungry wrote:

[quote]pushharder wrote:

[quote]pbclax1 wrote:
I dont get how this thread turned into such a giant clusterfuck…damn[/quote]

It’s that fat fuck Al Gore’s fault. If he hadn’t invented the internet none of this booooshit coulda happened.

(I wish he’d wade into this thread 'bout now. We’d see some global warming fer shore)[/quote]

Hmmmmmmm… look who is doing some hijacking :)[/quote]

Not only that, but he’s yet to comment on what fucking the missus is like in the “newly invented” zercher position!

And we all know he’s the kinda guy to report back immediately with such grave matters!

He’s slacking, for sure.[/quote]

A slacking hijacker?

He’s either fine tuning her form…Or, she tore a bicep.

I had to wade through 17 pages of bullshit before I found the actual point of this thread. To answer the original question: You don’t see a lot of big Zercher numbers because Zercher anything is really fucking hard. Personally, I love zercher squats, carries, and deadlifts. You don’t see many people do them from the floor because they lack the mobility to get in a strong position or they have a very weak back. I dont think the bicep arguement is relevent. If you look at where the load is in relation to the bicep insertion/origin, the stress is no where near the amount of weight on the bar. If you are holding the weight with your biceps, then you are in a very bad position. I have done Zercher squats with 405 + 120lbs of chain for reps and carried 365lbs for 80 foot trips and not once have my biceps been sore afterwards… and I rarely train them anyway.

Yes they suck. Yes they are uncomfortable. Zercher lifts hit a lot of common weakness’s lifters and athletes have. To completely write them off because of some misguided assumptions about injury risk is just stupid. Then again, squatting is bad for your knees.

I asked Louie when I was at Westside what he thought the best core building exercise is for the powerlifts. His response was “Zercher anything.”

[quote]pushharder wrote:
I’ve got to go boating now. Being out in the sun on the lake will thoroughly hornify me and I will do some Zercher fuckin for sure later on.

Adios, amigos. Keep this thread going til I return. I want more vitriol. (Maybe Deb will show up and fan the flames?)[/quote]

Use the harness or a 2x4 if your forearms get tired.

[quote]countingbeans wrote:

2 things I doubt [i]I’ll[/i] ever fully understand… Powerlifting & women.


Well you see, women cause all the problems in the world, and powerlifting is a productive way to vent that frustration. Simple enough?

[quote]DJHT wrote:

Well sir are you married? Do you work with a large amount of women?

And yes that thread was a Zercher thread for sure. [/quote]

Haha am I that transparently single? My college job is officiating sports, and suffice to say there aren’t a lot of women. Plus, the ones we have are basically dudes with vaginas. I do have 4 sisters, though :).