Does anybody know how I can make or obtain some budget happy lifting chalk? I just can’t bring myself to pay $20 bucks online for a block of chalk when I’m almost sure there is a cheaper way to go about getting the stuff (or making it). Where do you guys get your chalk from? Any suggestions would be helpful, thanks a lot!
Try going to sports equipment stores. I got about 8 blocks for 10 bucks. 8 blocks will last you at least a year.
Take a stick from your child’s sidewalk chalk set, smash repeatedly with hammer…You can even use different colors if you want and walk around with purple hands.
Not that I’ve done this…I’m just thinking outside of the box.
[quote]lostinthought wrote:
Take a stick from your child’s sidewalk chalk set, smash repeatedly with hammer…You can even use different colors if you want and walk around with purple hands.
Not that I’ve done this…I’m just thinking outside of the box.[/quote]
I think that chalk is slightly different, I believe it’s finer. I could be wrong.
Buy a big sheet of drywall
8 Blocks for $9.95 at Ironmind.
You can also look at mountain climbing types of stores.
Spend the money, it lasts a long time…
It’s not exactly chalk. The exact name would be Carbonate Magnesia.
You can easily buy yours in a place where they sell climbing tools.
Oh…and prepare to rip your hands off (caluses) on deadlift! Have a nice day!
Check out e-bay…they commonly have chalk on there! I got mine from e-bay! 8 blocks ofr 4 bucks…5 bucks shipping! Stuff lasts forever!
Wow! Pretty helpful stuff. Thanks a lot guys!
If you trim your calluses on a weekly bases, you will not rip them off during lifting. Trimming them prevents them from getting so large that they ‘catch’ on the bar and the bar takes deeper layers of skin with the callous.