Hip Problem With Squats


Ok, what seems to be going on, is that it seems like I am having some problems with my hip area. I have been off of training for about a year, and a half now, because of two surgeries I had on my right lower leg.

Now that I am able to get back to training, and squatting again. It seems like I am having some issues with my right hip. I am not sure if the problem is a flexibility issue, or a strength issue. Specifically when I am squatting, and I am trying to push my hips out, my right hip seems like it pushes inward instead of outward. Also feel tightness around the area. I have also noticed that I get a popping in my right hip, where I am feeling the tightness at.

With the popping in my hip. If I was to raise my leg straight up I don’t get a popping sound, but when I began to lower my leg then something in the hip area pop’s. I mean I can feel, and hear the popping.

When I was off of training, and had the surgeries done I was hopping around allot on my left leg. So I could of develop some muscle imbalances. I am really not sure, and was wanting to know if you guy’s might be able to help me out with what might be going on, so I can get back to training.

I actually might of figured out what might be the cause of the tightness, and popping. I believe the term is called anterior femoral glide syndrome. It also happens when I deadlift. Any kind of motion with me squatting I get the tightness, and popping. I am also getting some pain around the hip area now also.

Anybody know anything about this, and if you can help me out?

Try foam rolling the entire leg and hip musculature(read “Feel Better for 10 Bucks” on here about foam rolling) followed with some dynamic stretches(plenty can be found online).

What portion do you get tightness in the hip? Is it in the anterior or posterior?

And finally:

What specifically did you have surgery on with your right leg?