Hey guys. I was hoping for some feedback on my form for my hip hinge and goblet squat. I took these videos by myself at my gym last week and was hoping for some feedback.
I do have a little history of back problems from squatting, probably because I am 6’4" and my mobility is not the best. I have really tight hamstrings/hips and so I can suffer from a rounded back/pain sometimes. But I have been working on this for the last few months and I think I have improved somewhat.
As far as the goblet squat… sometimes it feels pretty good. Sometimes I still feel like I can feel a burn in my lower back. Questions/reflections:
I’m trying to “spread the floor”, push my knees out, and push my butt back. How far back is too far back for the butt? Sometimes I feel like I nail it and it feels great. Other times I Feel like I push my butt TOO far backwards, and it causes me to feel a little stretch in my lower back which I’m assuming is not good while squatting.
Is my torso going too far forward/past my knees?
Are my tibias/shins going too far forward? I am under the impression they are supposed to line up perpendicular with the floor from the bottom position. If this is the case maybe I need to have my butt/hips even further back?
Any comments? Does this video suck, do I need to do it again or with a different angle? How can I make it better for the next time I do a form check?
As far as the hip hinge goes, reflections/questions…
I am currently at this progression, I am trying to get to work up my hamstring/hip flexibility/strength so that I can be in a bent-over position and feel strong and eventually work up back into the conventional or trap bar deadlift.
How far should I be able to push my butt back/bend my torso over while keeping it straight before I “run out of room”? It just seems that my crappy mobility that I cannot get my torso as far down as I want to(and simultaneously my butt as far back as I want to) without compromising my straight back.
Thoughts/comments on the video? How can I make it better so that when I do my next form check that its better?
Thanks for any feedback you can give me, T-Nation!!! I understand this is going to be a long process so I’m willing to put in the time to develop this flexibility/strength over time to master these movements! I posted the youtube link that I used to upload under each section.