High Testosterone

Got an intresting set of questions from an older colleauge yesterday. Please help me understand. He is an extremely athletic 58 year old. His routine checkup showed that Total Testosterone was 1413! T3 was 265 and TSH was .01. The TSH kind of made sence with the high T3 but the Testosterone seems much too high. No prescriptions or outside drugs.

Any input would be appreciated!

whoa. maybe, they just tested him at the right time of the day.???

Yeah, that’s a little on the high side. Anything over 1000 ng is considered high. Pat your friend on the back and tell him he’s lucky. Especially at his age. I bet almost everyone else his age is pushing 200 or less. On a good day.

Last time I got mine tested mine was 8000. That is not a type-o I said eight thousand. Oh yeah and I’m completely natural just like your buddy…hahahaha.

Hey CoachK are you from Louisville?

Jackass- are you kidding or being serious? I wonder what the highest ever recorded. This is interesting… Tell me about your diet (if you are not kidding around), it should tell us something.

He ought to have his free T and SHBG checked, especially with numbers like that. If SHBG is very high, a high total T value will correspond to a normal free T value.

Oh yeah, pretty much the same thing goes for thyroid tests; high and low binding globulins render total values pretty much useless.

He might also need to be checked for a benign tumor (e.g. pituitary).

Do you get your T tested through your family doc? I’d be interested in seeing where I’m at.

As far as jackass being serious. I believe it. You ever seen his picks in the photo forum?

Uh guys… JackAss was kidding, he’s juiced to the gills. Thus the “hahaha” he wrote at the end of his post. Nobody has any business walking around with a “natural” T level of 8000.

Right on bro!