high carbs plus creatine, glutamine?

I hope I don’t get piled on for this question but…I was wondering what the opinion of the board is on the usefullness of the high carb powders on the market that also contain a good amount of glutamine, creatine and other aminos with a small amount of protein, meant to be ingested post work out instead of the Surge type drink I’ve been using for the past 2 years or so. The rationale behind it seems to make sense but then again, I’m not that bright. Does anyone have an opinion, pro or con? Thanks.

Well, I don’t think there’s a marked difference between Surge and say, Endurox R4. It would make an interesting comparison but I think Surge has certainly the basics for a beneficial post-w/o drink. I think creatine and glutamine are worthwhile too though.

Anyone else???