While I generally train and respond well with high volume high density training. Recently I’ve had to adjust to training 6 days a week instead of the usual 1 on 1 off cycle.
Even with slightly shorter sessions with less volume I can’t seem to recover well from the frequency of training. I have no choice at this point with time constraints and I can train at most 30-40 minutes now 6 days a week.
What I’ve come up with to be able to handle the frequency is to drastically decrease volume and density for every other training day and treat it as a recovery session mimicking the previous full training day and to increase volume on the recovery days progressively.
My plan is as follows:
Monday: Heavy Pressing/Light Pulls + accessory
Pressing movement: Work up to 1-3RM
Pulling(DL, SG DL, Sumo-DL): 4X6 at 80%
Accessory: GHR and SL squat 4x6
Tuesday: Recovery
Pressing movement: 4x14-20 ultra light
Pulling: Bodyweight squats and lunges + 15 minutes treadmill jogging
Wednesday: Moderate pressing/Pulling
Pressing movement: 8X3 at 85-90%
Accessory: Db or BB rowing 4x6
Pulling: 8x3 at 85%
Accessory: Front squats 4x6
Thursday: Recovery
same as Tuesday
Friday: Light pressing/Heavy pulls
Pressing movement: 4x6 at 80%
Accessory: Rows or face pulls 3x8
accessory2: close grip/lockout or triceps extensions 3x8
Saturday: recovery
same as Tuesday and Thursday
Sunday: OFF
over time I would carefully add volume and load to the “recovery” days and deload every 4-6 weeks as usual.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.