So I’m away from home for a while, and I just got to the local gym today for a leg workout, and I saw a hex bar for the first time and decided to use it. I was using roughly the same weight and number of reps as I would using a straight barbell for my deadlifting, and I couldn’t really “feel” anything different.
Could someone explain to me the difference, if there is any, that the semi-supinated grips on the hex bar make while deadlifting? Or is it something about having the weight centered more evenly around your body? Thanks.
The difrence is the hex bar is almost like a squat and deadlift put together. I like the hex bar when I am feeling an ego trip, cuz I can load 6 plates on it for a max single
you can go heavier
its a bit awkward at first
its more leg orientated.
LOL if you went to my gym, you wouldn’t even be able to get 6 plates on it. (Since presumably you mean six on each side)
A lot of coaches like the hex bar because dumb kids won’t hurt themselves as often as on a straight bar deadlift and all that weight gets kid’s testosterone pumping and heavy weights put slabs of muscle all over kids.
BUT a lot of coaches don’t like it because they feel it:
A) Has the center of gravity of the weight in line with the center of gravity of the person, which is rare because usually in sports the weight is in front of you.
B) Is just plain overrated. Either do a proper deadlift, or do a proper squat. Pick one damnit. Moving that much weight is just an ego boost.
Taken from Eliot Hulse from and what people have told me.
[quote]musicma1n1 wrote:
B) Is just plain overrated. Either do a proper deadlift, or do a proper squat. Pick one damnit. Moving that much weight is just an ego boost.
Taken from Eliot Hulse from and what people have told me.[/quote]
I dont agree with that at all. You’ll get more trap/upper back work from any type of a pull than a squat, so the hex bar isnt a squat (although even if it were, teh squat is so technical that the hex bar might have an advantage there). Additionally, while moving more weight may boost the ego, it’ll also force all your stabilizing muscles to work that much harder. Finally, what’s magical about a “proper” deadlift for an athlete not competing in powerlifting? Hulse of all people is a LW pro strongman, the pick on a farmers walk is very similar to a hex bar dead, are farmers useless as well? [/confused]
There’s a bit of a false dichtomoy when discussion of the trap/hex bar comes up. It’s not as though you can’t do deadlifts or squats just because you include the hex bar in your training. Use all 3 movements.
I like using the trap bar for ME work because I can generate a great degree of strain without compromising form. I use rubber patio tiles to increase the ROM every training session.
[quote]KBCThird wrote:
musicma1n1 wrote:
B) Is just plain overrated. Either do a proper deadlift, or do a proper squat. Pick one damnit. Moving that much weight is just an ego boost.
Taken from Eliot Hulse from and what people have told me.
I dont agree with that at all. You’ll get more trap/upper back work from any type of a pull than a squat, so the hex bar isnt a squat (although even if it were, teh squat is so technical that the hex bar might have an advantage there). Additionally, while moving more weight may boost the ego, it’ll also force all your stabilizing muscles to work that much harder. Finally, what’s magical about a “proper” deadlift for an athlete not competing in powerlifting? Hulse of all people is a LW pro strongman, the pick on a farmers walk is very similar to a hex bar dead, are farmers useless as well? [/confused][/quote]
I was just quoting him, I didn’t say I agreed with him. The only reason I put him in is because he is a very well recognized strength coach. Personally, I wouldn’t advocate deadlifts for my younger athletes because most of them are to retarded to learn to do it right. I’d have them do Back and Front Squats, Log Power cleans, and maybe hex bar deadlifts, but the last one would be like a random thing I threw in just to throw them off.