Henry Cavill's Metabolism

Has anyone ever seen him with a love handle. I saw a post on FB where he was he was cooking the fattiest steak, mushrooms with a lot of utter, and oven chips that basically looked like french fries. Do t k ow if he counts his macros. He probably dose. Im sure a lot of kids who get into acting early might be in the not so swlf consciouse crowd, so good matabolisms make sense. Always ecceptions.

He did an interview many years ago and indicated that he was a fat kid

I didnt know it was possible to have this many typos in such a short text.

He may have a fast metabolism, he may just train a lot, or he may have people who cook his food for him according to a coaches prescribed macros. Youā€™ll never know.

When people make their living based on their looks, you can assume theyā€™re spending more time/money/effort on their looks than you. Any and all cheat codes will be used.


He was pumped and slicked with oil for his shirtless Superman scenes. The outtakes show this. He doesnā€™t look that jacked in real life at all. Thatā€™s temporary for a movie role with all the special effects.


Are you telling me that actors lie??

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No shit. Damn. I mean, I know lighting, pre-scene pump, oiled up etc, etc but on my worst day at 43 I look more jacked than thatā€¦but Iā€™m also 67 inches tall soooošŸ˜…



Me too. But nobody fucks with me like they used too since I look like a human pit bull :joy:


Thats a big advantage to not being all stretched out. 10 lbs. of muscle on you vs. 10 lbs. on a 6ā€™4" frame is a massive difference.


I donā€™t know if Iā€™d call being short an advantage but I totally agree with your premise. Iā€™m usually 205-210 and, for example, my close personal trainer friend is 6ā€™4 230. People ask me all the time in front of him how to build muscle and Iā€™m like ā€œask him, heā€™s the professionalā€. Heā€™s got 20lbs on me but doesnā€™t do shit for his lanky physique.


Btw, are we sure thats a Post Superman phito and not just old. He looked pretty jacked in that League movie. Hiwever, i thought i saw someone who looked like him in shades when i was in Cali. Could have been anynody lol. Was wearing a suit. Might have been smaller.

Lol at 6 days a weekā€¦ soy training

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He gets fit for movies for sure. Moreso than that pic. But just like Jason Mamoa, Vin Diesel, Chris Evans and Hugh Jackman especially they donā€™t stay that way. Same for stage competitors. The movie guys grind it hard for a role and use lighting, paint, and oil to look good.

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Matt Damon has gyno


Whatever Soy training is, it.spunds hilarious!