Help with Test and Tren Dose

Hello everyone, this is my first post I’ve been a long time lurker and have learned a lot regarding steroids from this forum. I have a question regarding test and tren together in a cycle.

Im cruising at the moment on 250mg test e, however for my next 8 week blast I want to add in tren for the first time. My goals are lean size gains (potentially a little re-comping), not mass bulking or straight up cutting. I am torn between different dosages of the test and tren.

Its either 750mg test and 350mg tren ace
500mg test and 450mg tren ace
250mg test and 600mg tren ace
*with AIs, caber, etc

As I said this blast I’m looking for lean size gains, however I’m not sure which route to go down. I originally wanted to go with 750mg test and 350mg tren, however some say keep test low because sides worsen, some even say that as tren takes up the receptors, excessive test goes to waste as it doesn’t all get used. (this I’m not really buying into lol, what do you guys think?)

On the other hand I’ve heard a lot of people say the low test high tren is better for strength and cutting as opposed to size.
As I said this time of year I’m looking for lean size gains, so now i’m unsure how to run this blast, I would really appreciate hearing some other guys thoughts or experiences on this.

My stats are as follows
Age - 30
Height + weight - 5’11 230lbs (15%bf estimate)
Years lifting - 8
Cycling history - first cycle 3 years ago, been b + c for 6 months

I feel like a newb for asking this, but I would love to get some help on this!

Many thanks

I would say adjust your diet to meet your goals as well as lower test, higher tren

Personally I am running low test 400 higher tren 800. I have not seen much I’m size gains this go as much as I have a recomp. I much prefered higher test 1000mg and lower Tren 600mg last time I ran the combo. Sides are nit much different if at all for me still having slight insomnia, night sweats and irritability. Personally I don’t ever notice much of size gain from tren if my test is up my size is up if tren is up my strength is up. However, I hate the killed staminia and nit sleeping sucks.

[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
I would say adjust your diet to meet your goals as well as lower test, higher tren[/quote]

Agree with this. If your diet is not on point I dont give a fuck what you run you won’t grow.

Thanks so much guys for your responses! I think what i’m gonna have to do is try both, i’ll do high tren this blast and high test next blast. So true about the diet though, I thought I could cut on test prop mast and clen - on 700 grams of carbs a day lol

What do you guys think about the receptors argument btw, I keep seeing some people argue that as the more powerful drug tren binds to its receptor, the test can’t bind to it as much (as they use the same receptor?) therefore making excess test go to waste. I can’t see how, it’s like saying if you run a gram of test with the tren your body won’t be able to actually use a gram of test. Such a rookie question but surely this is bs

I think it’s horse shit personally at least to a extent. Walkway said it best " you use more you gain more". There are guys telling me I am wasting my gear due to not having enough receptors yet there are pros using 3-5 times what I am using and its obviously working… So… I just don’t agree especially considering I much prefered the High Test Lower Tren cycle.

[quote]Reed wrote:
I think it’s horse shit personally at least to a extent. Walkway said it best " you use more you gain more". There are guys telling me I am wasting my gear due to not having enough receptors yet there are pros using 3-5 times what I am using and its obviously working… So… I just don’t agree especially considering I much prefered the High Test Lower Tren cycle.[/quote]

Yeah I think you are right Reed, “use more you gain more” I love that. I think trying something and seeing how it works for you is the only way to know, if you preferred the high test lower tren and that got you results, then how can someone tell you’re doing it wrong?
After hearing of your experiences, I think I’m just gonna try both ways and see what happens.
Thanks again for your help mate

There is a such thing as relative binding affinity, and this is what you are referring to. And yes, tren has a higher RBA than test which is why its much more powerful, and why running 2 19nors like tren and deca wouldnt be useful, however I suspect that your receptors themselves will proliferate with higher and prolonged steroid usage thus allowing you to accomodate higher doses because the old adage ‘you are as big as your dose’ is pretty accurate.