Greeting everyone, im following t-nation for long time, but im new on forum
Not beginner, lifting for few years
I need some help trying to program workout
Trying to fit this into 2 workouts per week
Power Clean / High Pulls
Squat / Deadlifts
Close bench press / Overhead Push press (explosive)
These are main lifts that I want
I want one of them in every workout, example (Power Clean - Squat - Close bench press)
Or (High Pulls - Deadlifts - Overhead Press)
Now after I finish those main, I want some bodybuilding workout with Dips, Pull ups/ Chin ups, Rows, Lunges
I want your opinion on this, is it too much?
And do you have any idea how could I combine it
Really similar way I structure mine for Olympic lifts. If you’re strapped for time, go for: Power clean+Push Press combos, and use your high pull sets as a warm up to Deadlifts.
Also, I do my shoulder pressing/reverse curls/accessory work while I’m resting between sets of deadlifting/squatting so I spend less time in the gym.
A thing to keep in mind is your pressing in general will dip slightly if your upper back isn’t super strong or used to the workload.
Ok. For best results dont alternate chest back then back to chest. If you train certain muscles it works best to either work them in antagonistic supersets or work chest first back second etc.