Help With Parents and Supps

[quote]maveric wrote:
conorh wrote:
Professor X wrote:
There’s nothing wrong with MuscleMilk.

The only thing “wrong” with it is the glycocyamine, which I wouldn’t particularly want. However, I’ve used it and it’s probably not a problem as long as you’re not living off the stuff.

I don’t want to hijack this thread but hasn’t it been shown that most/all of glycocyamine in a supplemental dose is converted to creatine in the liver? I realize that you are implying large dosses (living off the stuff) but I don’t want this kid to get the wrong idea.[/quote]

You are right. It is a precursor to creatine.


J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1993 Sep;266(3):1454-62. Antihyperglycemic action of guanidinoalkanoic acids: 3-guanidinopropionic acid ameliorates hyperglycemia in diabetic KKAy and C57BL6Job/ob mice and increases glucose disappearance in rhesus monkeys. Meglasson MD, Wilson JM, Yu JH, Robinson DD, Wyse BM, de Souza CJ.

It has been investigated as an antidiabetic and seems to improve glucose disposal in a mouse model of diabetes.


Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2001 Nov;281(5):E1095-100. Methylation demand and homocysteine metabolism: effects of dietary provision of creatine and guanidinoacetate. Stead LM, Au KP, Jacobs RL, Brosnan ME, Brosnan JT.

Rats on a GAA supplemented diet have blood homocysteine concentrations 49% higher than control levels. Creatine supplementation was associated with a 27% decrease in homocysteine.

The belief that it has any negative effect at supplemental dosages is unlikely. Not only that, but all test models were on rats.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Magarhe wrote:

That’s child abuse.

OK … I am trying to calm my nerves. I don’t know how I will be able to sleep tonight.

Child abuse? I can’t believe people are letting a 15 year old kid get away with this crap on this board. Child abuse because his dad didn’t buy him the specific protein he really really wanted? Dear Lord, what next, an X-box 360 the wrong color…or worse, a game that isn’t the hottest seller in the store? This board is filled with pussies lately.[/quote]

You Americans really don’t understand sarcasm, do you?

[quote]Magarhe wrote:
You Americans really don’t understand sarcasm, do you?[/quote]

ohhhh, that was humor.British? anyways, this is one of the gayest posts i have seen. suck it up, and go buy your own shit. if you can’t afford it EAT MORE. if that doesnt work for you than go try tap dancing, nancy.

[quote]Magarhe wrote:

You Americans really don’t understand sarcasm, do you?

When there are actually people here who think like that, sarcasm is lost.

I can tell by your post that you don’t have any respect for your father, it probably shows when you’re around him.

You’re 15, like it or not, you’re going to need your dad to help you out quite a bit over the next few years. I’d work on improving your relationship with him before demanding specific supplements and foods.

Be a man, show him some respect before you expect him to do the same for you.

[quote]CaptainLogic wrote:
I can tell by your post that you don’t have any respect for your father, it probably shows when you’re around him.

You’re 15, like it or not, you’re going to need your dad to help you out quite a bit over the next few years. I’d work on improving your relationship with him before demanding specific supplements and foods.

Be a man, show him some respect before you expect him to do the same for you.[/quote]

To tell the truth, his dad should have been demanding respect. What makes a 15 year old think he is entitled to expensive protein supplements of ONLY his direct choosing? Kids like this used to piss me off in school. They were the type to bitch because their daddy bought them the previous year’s Nissan Maxima instead of the new model. His dad bought him a good one and he basically spits at him for it.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
CaptainLogic wrote:
I can tell by your post that you don’t have any respect for your father, it probably shows when you’re around him.

You’re 15, like it or not, you’re going to need your dad to help you out quite a bit over the next few years. I’d work on improving your relationship with him before demanding specific supplements and foods.

Be a man, show him some respect before you expect him to do the same for you.

To tell the truth, his dad should have been demanding respect. What makes a 15 year old think he is entitled to expensive protein supplements of ONLY his direct choosing? Kids like this used to piss me off in school. They were the type to bitch because their daddy bought them the previous year’s Nissan Maxima instead of the new model. His dad bought him a good one and he basically spits at him for it. [/quote]

I know what you mean, in my case they had BMW and “Boss” suits.

Seeing what became of them, a solid roundhouse kick would probably have been the better alternative in the long run.

[quote]BlakedaMan wrote:
Well, we ran out of protein powder and so he goes and buys some and comes back with MUSCLEMILK, and I start getting all pissed at him and he talks about how I am really overboard about nutrition and I need to relax. So now I have nothing for PWO and I have a POS prt. powder.

Please help.[/quote]

Clean out the Musclemilk container and store your own stuff in it. And calm down a bit so you can catch them off guard.

Well, honestly I am 23 and to this date if my folks ever came across anything, i mean it could be vitamin C and they would freak, ok maybe not freak but tell me i dont need it blah blah blah, protein powder, creatine, my folks are old fashioned and think its all crap, so anyways you are just 15, if i pulled that when i was 15 i would get thrown out in a hurry. All you need to do is eat healthy, at your age eat clean, and train properly, there is no better way for you to get big than that, take the shakes when ur dad gives em to you, and get your own way to the gym. its all about being independent. you want to buy stuff get a job, but all you really need to do is eat up and train, thats where all your focus should be.

[quote]mike08042 wrote:
Well, honestly I am 23 and to this date if my folks ever came across anything, i mean it could be vitamin C and they would freak, ok maybe not freak but tell me i dont need it blah blah blah, protein powder, creatine, my folks are old fashioned and think its all crap, so anyways you are just 15, if i pulled that when i was 15 i would get thrown out in a hurry. All you need to do is eat healthy, at your age eat clean, and train properly, there is no better way for you to get big than that, take the shakes when ur dad gives em to you, and get your own way to the gym. its all about being independent. you want to buy stuff get a job, but all you really need to do is eat up and train, thats where all your focus should be.[/quote]

This is true. At 15, a protein shake isn’t even necessary. Unless this kid is weighing over 200lbs, there is no doubt he can get enough of what he needs from food alone.

Look at some of Cosgrove’s stuff on bodyweight exercises. If your dad isn’t willing to take you to the gym as often as you’d like, then try bodyweight exercises. Cosgrove has a basic philosophy that you don’t have any business working with weights until you can MASTER your own bodyweight. Also, there are TONS of weight bearing exercises you can do outside of the gym. Go into the garage, find the heaviest thing you can pick up and walk around carrying it until your too tired to continue. Think that won’t make you big? Try watching the strong man competitions, that’s basically all they do, pick shit up and carry it around. Why not go out and volunteer to chop wood or shovel snow. Think you won’t get MASSIVE arms, shoulders, and back muscles by chopping wood, think again. To put it simply, you don’t need a gym to workout, quit your whining.

[quote]Professor X wrote:

To tell the truth, his dad should have been demanding respect. What makes a 15 year old think he is entitled to expensive protein supplements of ONLY his direct choosing? Kids like this used to piss me off in school. They were the type to bitch because their daddy bought them the previous year’s Nissan Maxima instead of the new model. His dad bought him a good one and he basically spits at him for it. [/quote]

Yes, his post does come across that way at some points. He doesn’t seem to realize that he’s more fortunate than 99% of the kids his age, although I’m sure in the back of his mind he knows.

Anyway, I agree with most of the other posters, you don’t need all sorts of supplements or special foods to get big and strong, and 2-3 days/week at the gym is plenty, especially if you are playing other sports and doing bodyweight exercises. But if you do want to get your hands on certain foods or supps, I wouldn’t expect your father to help you out unless you are respectful and polite about it.

Oh Prof. X…it’s obvious you don’t know shit about lifting…no one has ever gotten HYOOOOOOOGE without an expensive post workout shake.

Regular protein? Pffft yea, if you wanna be a pussy!

Thought the no-olive oil thing is kinda weird but methinks that was thrown in to make a stronger “case.”

[quote]Professor X wrote:
This is true. At 15, a protein shake isn’t even necessary. Unless this kid is weighing over 200lbs, there is no doubt he can get enough of what he needs from food alone.[/quote]

The problem is, us itty-bitty kids can’t even drive yet, so we can’t go get food for ourselves at the grocery store. Therefore we are confined to whatever our parents buy us. Or the shit at the cafeteria. Sometimes my parents bring home great food, chicken, steak, salmon, etc., but most of the time it’s to feed 4 people instead of 1. It’s nice to have a protein shake to bump up my protein intake…


Not sure how this has all come to all this but in an effort to help I will add my 2 cents.

FIRST, show respect to your father. Yelling, telling him he knows nothing, etc will get ou know where. It will only get his back up and you lose cause he is the father and you are the son. Again, show respect.

SECOND, come to terms with the fact that he may never agree with the supps idea. I am 28 and my father still things I do not need any of it. It is a knowledge thing, but you cannot educate if they dont want to learn. My advice is go about buy your own supps when you can.

THIRD, the not support you spoke of: "why do you eat that, you dont know how to train, etc etc is a very common behaviour from those outside the bodybuilding mind. Only those who do it & can see the rewards for their efforts will get it. So you will have to grow thick skin and just let it roll off your back. Some are just jelous they cant do what you have chosen, and some are just frustrated with themselves and sadly some are just haters.

So my bottom line advice, choose your goals, make a plan and work you ass off to get there. Dont let anyone stop you. I once heard this from a gr.8 student “I will be a NHL hockey play becuase It is my goal and not my dream” when asked what the difference was he said “a dream is something you strive for, but a goal is something you make happen”

Be Safe

PS. Dont forget that respect thing!

Ask your mom for lots of chicken and lean beef…eat alot of food.

when i was 15, my parents bought some crap soy protein for me, i choked it down for a few months. bascially; your young…take what your parents can get for you, no need to be particular until some pubes start coming in. :wink:

[quote]Magarhe wrote:
hmmmm it does seem he is somewhat willing to help, on first read I thought he bought the musclemilk for himself, and was only letting you have some at certain times.

i get the impression the main issue is money. even with the gym, he doesn’t let you go as often because of the cost. is that true?


No its’ definantly noot a money issue, although he can get quite stingy, but not like he’s lacking $.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
There’s nothing wrong with MuscleMilk.[/quote]

Never said there was, or if I did then I didn’t mean it.

[quote]PGA200X wrote:
So daddy didnt buy you what you wanted so you threw a tantrum?[/quote]

What is wrong with fucking dicks like you? Just because you’re older than me doesn’t mean I throw “tantrums”. Stop talking to me like I’m a baby and get over your power -trip.