Help With Kettlebell Snatches

Has anyone ever had problems when doing high rep kettlebell snatches and ripping your callouses off of your hand?

Well I have. See the picture below. I actually caught it before the callous was completely ripped off but it was damn near close.

Let me explain how I am doing it to see if I am doing it wrong. I pull from squatted position and then use my arm to guide it to head level. When the bell gets there I fire my hand straight up into the air and the bell going around my hand; allowing it to spin in my hand and then it lands safetly on my wrist. When the bell is swinging around my hand overhead that is where the callouse ripped off.

Should I wear gloves? Does anyone else wear gloves? Should I not do that many high rep snatches? Or am I just doing something wrong?


You need to open and close your hand at just the rigth time to minimize ripped up hands. Start with a tight grip, once you get the bell in motion, open your hand and focus on getting your hand around the bell and then closing your hand by making a fist before the bell crashes into your arm.\

I can do 20 snatches left and right with an 88lb bell without ripping my hands at all with the above technique.

Mike Mahler

[quote]Mike Mahler wrote:
You need to open and close your hand at just the rigth time to minimize ripped up hands. Start with a tight grip, once you get the bell in motion, open your hand and focus on getting your hand around the bell and then closing your hand by making a fist before the bell crashes into your arm.\

I can do 20 snatches left and right with an 88lb bell without ripping my hands at all with the above technique.

Mike Mahler [/quote]

Thanks for the quick reply Mike. What you explained makes a lot of sense. Not I have to heal up so that I can try it again!
