Help With a Mass Gaining Diet

Hey all, I’m 15, I’d rate my metab slow to normal. I’d like to gain mass, Will be doing rippetoes with minor modifications (dips, and widegrip pullups) I’m currently trying out the anabolic diet.

I don’t want to gain and obsessive amount of fat while bulking and I understand because of that I wont gain an enourmous amount of muscle mass in a shorter amount of time.

My past diet was 900 calories a day, major cutting, I figure I should raise it to roughly 3000 with bulking. now because I’m on the anabolic diet and i nthe introductory phase the breakdown would have to be 60% fat, 35% prot and 5% carbs (30 grams)

I’d like to do this the “cleanest” way possible (minimal cholesterol and sat fat with an increase of EFA’s so I don’t drop dead of clogged arteries in 10 years) My weight is 132 lbs so I should be taking anywhere from 132-264 grams of protein a day. so lets say I take in the latter, that would put me at 1056 calories a day from protein, so 3000 - 1056 == 1944.

30 grams of carbs would be 120 calories, so that leaves 1824 for fat. I can afford Grow! or Metabolic Drive so protein powders and the such are no problem for me.

I usually snack on sugar free jello. does 3000 calories seem a little much for 132 lb 15 year old bulking wise? It would be no problem to cut it down to 2500. All input and plans appreciated.

Hi, read this link:

I think eat 5 meals per day, drink plenty of milk and avoid junk food and you don’t have to worry so much about macros.

WiiWii posted a great link. Read it if you haven’t already.

900 kcal? Don’t ever do that again. You’re still in puberty and starvation can halt your growth AND muck up your metabolism and hormone levels for a long time afterwards.

As far as doing the AD, I’m seriously hoping you both have the book and read the thread. Of the two, I’d rank the thread more important.

If you’ve read the AD thread, you know atherosclerosis and ateriosclerosis are not serious concerns among healthy ADers. So don’t worry about that.

Shoot for 50% of your fats to be monounsaturated, 30% to be saturated, and the remaning to be polyunsaturated.

Don’t get anal about this. This means that if you have five meals, two will be predominantly mono, one will be poly, one will be saturated (think beef) and one will be whole eggs (eggs naturally are kinda split evenly).

What you should get anal about, ESPECIALLY in the adaptation phase, is your cho. The lower the number, the better. When you do the math, 30g adds up really quickly when you consider 4g per serving in Grow! whey, the .7g per egg, the 2g per oz of peanuts, etc.

Your bodyweight x 18 (recommended for the adaptation phase) comes to be about 2300. So shoot for 2500 kcals/day.

The AD isn’t all that difficult, but it’s not something to be trifled with. If you intend to do it, don’t half-ass it. And welcome to the club :slight_smile:

Post questions when you have them. Good luck.

I read the book and through the AD thread, it was a concern my parents had. so 2500 alright. time to do my mathematics and formulate a strict diet. I’ve been going rough, no more than 30 G carbs over the last 3 days, with 60% of my diet being fats and around 37 or so being protein though I’ve been loose with the calories. I’ll be formulating my diet plan up now, and I’ll submit it the second I’m done for reviewing.

Thank you for your input. I figure I should be having give or take 1.5g of protein per 1lbs if I’m going at 2500, which leaves enough room to be properly 35%. approx 792 calories. so we’ll say 800, +120 for the 30 grams of carbs, so 920. 2500 - 920 == 1580 for fats. does this sound correct so far? with that amount of calories thats 175G of fat. now my problem is shouldnt my Grams of fat be above my grams of protein? this is where it gets a little confusing. to go into lipogenesis wouldn’t my body want to see a higher level of fats then protein? The last thing I want is protein being the main burner. Also, thanks for the welcoming :slight_smile:

Also, I’m looking to buy some supplements tonight. I sadly see Grow! is out of stock so would Metabolic Drive be just as…usefull? really for pre-bedtime meal as it is a slower release protein blend (casseine). What about BCAA’s? do I need them? How should I incorperate them into my dieting plan with an Anabolic diet? I’m not really interested in thermogenics as I’ve been down the road before and over about a one months period of taking them I got oddly aggressive as if I had 'roid rage, although could have been school and family related stress, bad sleep, and throwing the 1,000 or so mg of caffeine I would consume a day ontop of that. IF theres anythign else I should look for supplementation wise that would help me with my growth on atleast a mid-level scale please let me know. I do alot of studying on this stuff and take my sweet time to read all the information I can but sometimes I miss a few good tidbits :wink:

[quote]T3hlulzkiller wrote:
Also, I’m looking to buy some supplements tonight. I sadly see Grow! is out of stock so would Metabolic Drive be just as…usefull? really for pre-bedtime meal as it is a slower release protein blend (casseine). What about BCAA’s? do I need them? How should I incorperate them into my dieting plan with an Anabolic diet? I’m not really interested in thermogenics as I’ve been down the road before and over about a one months period of taking them I got oddly aggressive as if I had 'roid rage, although could have been school and family related stress, bad sleep, and throwing the 1,000 or so mg of caffeine I would consume a day ontop of that. IF theres anythign else I should look for supplementation wise that would help me with my growth on atleast a mid-level scale please let me know. I do alot of studying on this stuff and take my sweet time to read all the information I can but sometimes I miss a few good tidbits ;)[/quote]

I won’t comment on the AD simply because I don’t follow it. As far as general health goes, I’d definitely ease up on the caffeine seeing how that is a shit load and most likely was directly related to you getting shitty sleeps. A lot of people relate high stress leading to bad sleeps. I like to look at it the other way, the less sleep you get, the more actual stress may effect you.

As far as supplements go, your young still and at an age where you really don’t need any minus the occasional protein. It seems like you’ve done your homework so you probably already know that. If for some reason you feel that you absolutely need a supplement, then there’s nothing wrong with Metabolic Drive for the evening protein, just make sure you don’t go to town on the stuff, and you get enough whole foods.

EDIT: Also regarding BCAA’s, if your going to take them, I always felt the best time was post-W/O. However, to be honest I really don’t think you’d need 'em, but get some other opinions on that.

Thanks, for your input cman. :slight_smile:

It’s really reassuring to hear that you’ve done your homework.

As far as supps go…look at the cost/benefit ratio. Metabolic Drive is REALLY GOOD, but it’s also REALLY EXPENSIVE (5 cents/gram of protein, last I checked). BCAA’s are in the same category for me. Very effective, but also very pricey.

Hence, I’d order the Grow!, and eat chicken breasts until it comes back in stock. But that’s just me.

I recommend creatine and fish oil. Creatine is so cheap and so safe people who don’t lift use it (people in casts to retain LBM). Fish oil is helpful whether cutting or bulking, and is so powerful you can probably stop spending money on a multi-vitamin (assuming you’re still eating veggies).

About the protein/fat percentages, if you think about it it makes sense for you to have slightly more grams of protein than fat. Fat has more than twice the calories of protein per gram. So if they’re equal, you’re getting twice the amount of calories from fat as you are from protein.

It’s great that you’re doing the math. I would err on the side of consuming more fat. If you drop protein down to 1g/lb during the adaptation phase and fill the rest with fats, you’ll be okay. Or, if you want to increase your total calories a bit higher than 2500 to get in more fat, that’s also a good idea.

The main thing is to kick start your body into using fats as an energy substrate. You need to consume a bunch of fat to do this. Always err on the side of consuming more fat and less cho, especially on the adaptation phase.

Oh, and 'roid rage is a myth. Just thought you should know :slight_smile:

Thanks again otep. So basically even if I’m consuming a higher amount (per gram) of protein than of fat my body will still go into lipogenesis? I couldn’t quite figure out if it was volume of each macronutrient or the amount of calories of each macronutrient. thanks for clearing it up :slight_smile:

I’ll get to work right after I hit the gym on my daily diet plan. had three eggs w/ zucchini, onions, peppers, one slice of american cheese and 4 strips of bacon this morning figuring around 500-600 calories. They were large eggs.

this is what I’ve figured out for my caloric and mass intake on a daily basis. Givem e a thumbs up if it looks to be alright so far.

Protein - 800 calories (200 g)
Carbohydrates - 120 calories (30 g)
Fat - 1580 Calories (176 g)
-Monounsaturated(50%) - 790 calories (89 g)
-Polyunsaturated(20%) - 316 calories (35 g)
-Satured(30%) - 474 calories (53 g)
Total daily calories == 2500kcals

[quote]T3hlulzkiller wrote:
this is what I’ve figured out for my caloric and mass intake on a daily basis. Givem e a thumbs up if it looks to be alright so far.

Protein - 800 calories (200 g)
Carbohydrates - 120 calories (30 g)
Fat - 1580 Calories (176 g)
-Monounsaturated(50%) - 790 calories (89 g)
-Polyunsaturated(20%) - 316 calories (35 g)
-Satured(30%) - 474 calories (53 g)
Total daily calories == 2500kcals

numbers come out fine
another thing dont worry if you go slightly over that 30 g of carbs.

if you add it up and your last meal of the day will put you over that 30g DO NOT SKIP.
you can go over a bit and be fine

now the trick is employing these numbers
what will you eat to keep these figures?

I suggest for ease of counting eat the same thing.yes its boring and you may get tired of it but you get used to it soon enough and it makes sure your constant with diet.

[quote]nichaaron wrote:

numbers come out fine
another thing dont worry if you go slightly over that 30 g of carbs.
if you add it up and your last meal of the day will put you over that 30g DO NOT SKIP.
you can go over a bit and be fine

now the trick is employing these numbers
what will you eat to keep these figures?

I suggest for ease of counting eat the same thing.yes its boring and you may get tired of it but you get used to it soon enough and it makes sure your constant with diet.

I second that: the hardest part is actually following what is on paper. Good luck!

I have no problem with that, I love structured dieting as I don’t have to think about what I’m gonna have to eat. But yes, I do infact see difficulties on how to consume all that.

I’d like to try to keep it as clean as possible, thus I’m going to designate as Otep suggested, each meal a “main” fat type. I’ll have to go find some food ideas. any good suggestions for monounsaturated?

[quote]T3hlulzkiller wrote:
I have no problem with that, I love structured dieting as I don’t have to think about what I’m gonna have to eat. But yes, I do infact see difficulties on how to consume all that. I’d like to try to keep it as clean as possible, thus I’m going to designate as Otep suggested, each meal a “main” fat type. I’ll have to go find some food ideas. any good suggestions for monounsaturated?[/quote]

Peanut Butter. I go ape shit over PB.

ah yeah, i LOVE peanut butter. and macadamian nuts are awsome too. ive finished with my two alternating breakfast plans. 4 other meals of the day to go sigh.

just finished lunch, will post the whole thign when I’m done.