This is discouraging, two months into diet and training and I have not lost much weight.
Here’s the deal. About a two years ago, I was 277. I started working out and controlling my diet, slowly but surely, I came down to 225. Then, last fall, I went to college. Didn’t diet or anything, but maintained my 225. Now, following a strict diet and working my butt off in the gym, I’ve had no results these last two months.
In fact, there was only one instance where I lost weight. Last week, I got the stomach flu, then got my wisdom teeth pulled, so I didn’t touch much food. So Tuesday, when I weighed myself, I came in at 217. 8 pounds in one week, not too thrilled about that since its mostly water + fasting. I weighed myself today and I’m already 219. Speaking from experience, I wouldn’t be too surprised if I’m back to 225 in two weeks.
Here are my current stats:
Age: 19
Height: 5 foot 10
Weight: 219
BF %: ~23%
My diet, currently, consists of little carbs, lots of proteins and fats. As of today, I’m going at ~2500 calories a day. I’m experimented with as low as 1800-2000 and as high as 3000-3200. No success at any of the three ranges.
A typical day looks like this:
9am: Oatmeal + 3 scoops of protein
1pm: Can Plain Tuna + Udo’s Choice
3pm: PWS
4pm: Chicken Breasts + Canned Veggies
7pm: 3 scoops of protein
9pm: Dinner
Dinner is the killer for me, since I part of an Asian family who demands I eat white rice. Not only that, but I eat very late. The food is mostly fat also, but I usually try to indulge in veggies and leaner meats while eatting a very small serving of rice. Not much I can do here as a poor college kid. Still, it’s not a big enough deal to blame my lack of progress on.
Exersise, I’m working out 4 times a week. I’m not doing a wussy workout. Deadlifts, lunges, squats, stiff legged deadlifts, etc… are all part of my routine. On off days, depending on how much energy/time I have, I do interval training, either do 25 minutes of sprints, or 40 minutes of jumping jacks.
This is really discouraging, as I’ve never worked harder, yet the results just aren’t there. It’s not as if I’m being lazy. I’ve been stalled before, but never this long. I’ve been reading this site for awhile and I consider myself pretty well informed, but it’s not working out.
While I’ll probably never stop working out, keeping the diet and cardio consistent is really difficult, and well, it’s just not enjoyable since it feels like I’m doing it for nothing.
A long post, but if anybody has any tips or advice, I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.