This is going to be a little strange to most people here but I actually want to increase my subcutaneous water level. I need to look really bad/small/bloated/fat for a picture for a weight loss contest (obviously the before picture). The pics will be taken this coming Sunday, January 11th.
Obviously, actually getting fat would be the best way to look fat, and I have done that… I’ve spent a month and a half or so gaining about 20 pounds of pure fat by not working out and gorging myself. It’s been quite fun eating tons of shit over the course of the last month or so, but it’s about time to start to lose the weight and take the before pic.
Besides just gaining weight, I was wondering if there is a best method to attain a fat, small, and soft look. I figure one of the best ways to do this is to increase subcutaneous water by eating more salt around 2-3 days prior to the contest and a ton of salt and water the day of the pic.
I’m open to other suggestions and specific recommendations. FYI I’m going to wear really tight shorts so that my gut hangs over a little bit (well it’s not much of a gut, but it looks pretty convincing when I’m bloated). Any other ideas?
In addition to looking bloated, I want to look small, so I was thinking about doing a low carb diet for 4-5 days so I can lose muscular size. Of course I will lose some overall size and weight from doing this, but the contest is merely determined by before and after photos, so I’m not too concerned with things that will affect scale weight…
Please let me know if you guys can think of anything else. Thanks.