folks, I lurk here all the time, and have posted a few times, this site is the greatest I have been lucky enough to come across, I NEED HELP, so here goes.

I have been training on and off for about 15 years, I have been the worst YO-YO guy on the planet, but have decided this is the last time I do it and want to be in my best shape ever. I started a program on Feb 14th this year, I am 6’2" and weighed 326 lbs., I was 35 and am now 36, today I weigh about 242. I have been taking Maximum Strength HOT-ROX and Low-Carb Grow! and working my ass off 6 days a week, lifting for 4 and energy system work 3-4 days a week. Ultimately I want to be around 210-215. I ordered 2 bottles of M and Methoxy-7 to start next week, I ran out of HOT-ROX a week early. What I am asking(sorry so long) is if anyone here thinks I can continue to diet hard while taking Methoxy and M to preserve muscle, lift my butt off and do energy system work without the HOT-ROX. I have never felt so good and want to continue to improve. Thanks in advance, this site is awesome!


You’ve lost 84 lbs in four months!! What sort of help are you looking for? You want to lose 30 more pounds so you’ll be a skinny/fat??? Need info man…


I was wearing a size 44 pant(and they were tight) when I started, I originally was giving myself 1 year to lose the weight, but, my success seems to be coming quicker. I now wear a 36(not tight, but comfortable), I wear a size 50 sport coat. The last time I did hydrostatic weighing, I was about 200 lbs of good and the rest bad, that would put me at about 21% bf, I would like to be at or below 10%. I must admit to being embarrased about the fact that I let myself go. I have 5 great kids that I want to be a role model for and have failed.

My education background is a BA in Education and I got half way to my MA in Exercise Science before I let Life and Family get in the way. Thanks for your reply!

[quote]fatboyjellyroll wrote:
I was wearing a size 44 pant(and they were tight) when I started, I originally was giving myself 1 year to lose the weight, but, my success seems to be coming quicker. I now wear a 36(not tight, but comfortable), I wear a size 50 sport coat. The last time I did hydrostatic weighing, I was about 200 lbs of good and the rest bad, that would put me at about 21% bf, I would like to be at or below 10%. I must admit to being embarrased about the fact that I let myself go. I have 5 great kids that I want to be a role model for and have failed.

My education background is a BA in Education and I got half way to my MA in Exercise Science before I let Life and Family get in the way. Thanks for your reply![/quote]

I believe at your current rate you will definately achieve your goals. Your kids should be proud to have someone in their life who is willing to do what it takes to be a good role-model.

I just pray you are eating right and atleast 2200 calories a day, five or more small meals a day right. :wink:


I believe at your current rate you will definately achieve your goals. Your kids should be proud to have someone in their life who is willing to do what it takes to be a good role-model.

I just pray you are eating right and atleast 2200 calories a day, five or more small meals a day right. :wink:

Thanks for the kind comments! I am eating correctly, I believe, I have 4-5 meals and 1-2 snacks(fruit) a day!

Back to the supps, Do you think I would be alright to stop the HOT-ROX and just use the M and Methoxy-7 for the next 7 weeks?

I would stick with the HOT-ROX. It is more suited for your goals.