You are developing medial epicondylitis.
It will take more than a week to heal, and if you continue doing the same stuff that is hurting you (like the tard I was once), you’ll end up with permanent, chronic pain (which is what I have.)
Unlike muscle, ligament takes months, if not years to fully heal. And if the damage is severe, it will never heal 100%.
Now, the thing is, since you are getting that pain from curling (as opposed to tricep work like skull crushers), that will lead me to believe your forearms are very weak compared to the biceps.
So I would suggest you to stop doing curls for a while. Ice the area several times a day, 10 minutes each time. And take ibuprofen or some other over-the-counter NSAID. For ibuprofen, take it every four hours (around the clock if necessary) for several days. That was pretty much what I had to do to stop my epicondylitis to get worse.
Focus on barbell rows and avoid bicep curling and horizontal pulling exercises (like pull downs and chin ups) for several weeks (I’d say a month or two).
Also, avoid direct forearm workouts. Focus on working your finger extensors with rubber bands (see my profile, I have a pic showing how to do it), 2-3 sets every other day, 15-120 reps, never to failure.
Also, use this time to work your triceps with bench pressing and cable pull-downs (avoid skull crushers). You might need to tie the forearm with ACE bands to give extra support to the ligaments. And use this time to improve your wrist flexibility (both laterally and radially.)
The barbell rows will give enough stimulation to your biceps, and the tricep work will also help keep muscular balance on the upper arm.
Once you assess the pain is not there, or it’s at least manageable, start with hammer curls. You might want to add a pool noodle around the barbell handles to increase the gird (again, see a pic on my profile for this.) This will force your grip (and thus your forearm) to work extra hard and get strong.
If you are not truly fucked, this SHOULD help you get back to normal.
If you are truly fucked, you are going to have to learn how to deal with chronic pain at the elbow. It sucks and there is no other way to put it