Just a good deed for the day. The forum seems to be getting a lot of newbies lately, probably because T-mag’s popularity keeps growing and growing. So, to help newbies out, I think we should start a thread for them linking them to helpful T-mag articles.
Let’s go the extra step and actually provide a link, and not just the name of the article. I’ll start by suggesting the FAQ section: Strength Training, Bodybuilding & Online Supplement Store - T NATION
Anyone else want to mention specific articles on diet, training, supplements or drugs?
May 23, 2002, 12:34am
Questions on periodization: Periodization Bible, Part 1 : Strength Training, Bodybuilding & Online Supplement Store - T NATION
Periodization, Part 2 : www.testosterone.net/html/133per.html
Questions on intensity versus volume : www.testosterone.net/html/body_96high.html
I rather liked these articles, which is why I'm posting them here.
May 23, 2002, 12:43am
Food Diary:
Diet, Cardio, amd Lifting routine for fat loss:
Caloric Deficit Information:
Good Luck, KraigY